Chapter 17

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It looked to be almost sunset as I looked out onto an unfamiliar city beneath me. Naru turned me around, surprising me. His hands wrapped around my waist and mine rested over his. I felt comfortable. And the view was amazing. Naru pulled me gently back towards him so my back was on his chest.

"When I was really little, My mother brought Gene and me here. We were driving her mental, as little kids do. Gene and I had spent the entire day running off and hiding with other people, so when she came to find us, she had to awkwardly go up to people and ask to check their cars or under their blankets or under their tables at restaurants. Then to make matters worse, we used to use our PK to move things into her hands and people thought she was trying to steal them. She had run after us for so long after that that she was exhausted. So she thought that if she could bring us up here, we wouldn't be able to run off and she'd get a moment to just sit down and relax. So this place has always stuck in my mind as somewhere peaceful. You can see most of London from up here. And if you look over there," He pointed into the distance, "You can see where I did my PhD." I looked down and chuckled a little.

"That's right, do I need to start calling you professor now?" His head craned down and his voice purred in my ear.

"You can call me whatever you like." I laughed at him, turning around and wrapping my arms around his neck. I smiled. I couldn't help it. There's no way he'd share this with anyone else. He just wanted me to be happy.

"Thank you, Naru." His hands clipped around my back, holding me in place.

"The fear, the sadness and the anger. They're all side effects of becoming a spirit. It's what keeps them here. The second we bring you back, it'll go away. Until then, I just need you to be strong. And I'll do whatever I can to help you with that," He told me. "And when this is all over, I'll bring you here for real."

"You can't remember? You know, keeping your secret and all."

"It was important to me, but what's more important is you. And so I'm going to make the most of every second I have with you," He said. "But before anything else, we need to go save our family." I nodded. Looking into Naru's eyes, I allowed myself to shimmer away.
Next thing I knew I was standing in the base, watching Naru sleep. I brushed his cheek with my see-through hand.

"You know, the more you focus on negative emotions as a spirit, the harder it is to come back from it. It can corrupt you. You can become like those very spirits that you hunt."

"Why are you telling me this Gene?" I asked the boy now beside me as I watched Naru rise from his slumber.

"I felt like you should know."

"Lin, bring up the data from the third bedroom." Naru called out as he walked over.

"Naru, you're awake. Are you alright?" The man in front of the computers asked. Naru ignored him and walked up to the computers to bring up the data himself.

"Irena," I called out. Suddenly the beautiful young woman appeared before me. "I was wondering, would you be able to open the barrier to let Naru in without letting Noriko out?" She hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"I am able to grant him entry... It's just... Without releasing Noriko, I can't let him back out. Not unless he dies... Like you did." I looked back at Gene.

"It's not an option. I won't risk it." He nodded.

"But then what can we do?" I racked my brain for an answer. As far as I could see there were only two options. Sacrifice Naru on a chance of bringing us all back. Or sacrifice the ability for the rest of us to come back, but Naru lives. That's when I had a thought.

"Gene, where are the others? Monk, Ayako, John, Masako. Where are they?" He seemed to not want to answer the question.

"They've already moved on," He eventually answered.

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