Chapter 1

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It's early morning and the two brothers; Simba and Kahawia have woken up, their excited because their Dad promised to take them along the kingdom. Simba and Kahawia then marched into the den and tries to wake up the great king, Simba was thrown into a bunch of bones as a result of pulling Mufasa ear and Kahawia was jumping in Mufasa back. "Your sons is awake" Sarabi said still sleepy "before sunrise, their your sons" Mufasa replied. "Dad!...You...Promised" Kahawia Said still jumping in between jump.

Mufasa finnaly awaken and tells the younger brother to stop "come on older bro, you gonna go ?" Kahawia said to Simba. "Coming Wia!" Simba replied. Mufasa then led them into the top of Pride Rock. "Look Simba and Kahawia...everything the light touches, is our Kingdom" Mufasa said. Both cubs just 'wowed' at the view "As king time rises and fall like the sun... One day Simba, the sun will set on my time here, and will rise with you, as the new King" Mufasa said. "But...if my older brother will be king...what will i be?" Kahawia asked. " must discover yourself my son" Mufasa replied

Simba just wondered in the top of pride rock until he sees a shadowy place "What about that shadowy place?" Simba asked "That is beyond our border. You must never go there...BOTH of you" Mufasa replied "i promise to the deepest part of my heart i will never go there" The younger one said. "I'm glad to hear that" Mufasa smiled...

Change of scene

Mufasa, Simba and Kahawi are seen walking through the Savannah now "everything you see, exist in delicate balance. as King you need to understand that balance from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope" Mufasa started "but dad. Don't we eat the antelope?" Simba asked "Yeah" "Yes, but let me explain. When we die, our body becomes the grass. And the antelope, eat the grass..and so, we're all connected in the great circle of life" Mufasa explain.

Then a hornbill named Zazu came "Morning sire!" Zazu greeted
"Morning Zazu" Mufasa greeted back  "checking in with the morning report" Zazu said "Fire away" Mufasa replied.

While Zazu is giving the morning report Simba and Kahawia are pouncing on a nearby grasshoppers. Kahawia managed to catch 4 while Simba didn't manage to catch anything. "What are you doing son?" Mufasa asked. "Pouncing challenge but the future king didn't manage to catch anything" Kahawia giggled. "Hey!" Simba whispered. "Let me show you how it's done. Zazu! Would you mind turning around?" "Yes sire" Then he start singing the morning report. "Stay low to the ground" Mufasa whispered. Zazu heard the whisper "what is going on there?" Zazu asked. "Pouncing lesson" Mufasa replied. "Oh very good, pouncing"

Zazu takes a second to realize what's happening " POUNCING?! OH No Sire ! You can't be serious..." Mufasa then makes that hand *ehm* paw sign to turn around "oh this is so humiliating..." Zazu whispered. "try not to make a sound" "What are you telling him sire?!" Zazu turns around, but only sees Kahawia smirking "Mufasa?! Simba?!" Zazu panicked, Kahawia smirks even more, then second later Zazu was pounced by Simba. "That's very good bro!" Kahawia said "thanks bro" Simba replied. "Now this time.." Mufasa isn't able to continue when Zazu informs Mufasa about hyenas. For some reason, Mufasa was telling Simba to go home. But allowing Kahawia to come

For now on. Kahawia will be called, Kaha...

Mufasa and Kaha arrived at the scene where the hyenas are at. "Shenzi! What are you doing here ?!" Mufasa demanded. Then the hyenas trio which are called: Shenzi, Banzai and Ed turned around. "Oh Mufasa, we're just passing through...hehe to see an old friend" Shenzi stuttered "go back to where you belong Hyenas!" Kaha called. Ed then burst into laughter. "I said one last time...GO AWAY !" Kaha shouted. Mufasa strangely just started at Kaha. "And ? What are you gonna do cub?" Banzai taunted. Kaha lost his temper and roared, it wasn't a normal roar tho..but a large one...

The hyenas are unaffected by the roar...physically...but mentally affected as they started running for their lives. "That's very good have founded your purpose as the younger brother...leader of the lion guard" "Wow..." Was all Kaha can respond. "Let's get back to Pride Rock" Mufasa said. "Yeah...i feel tired suddenly" Kaha respond

To be continued

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