Battle for the Pride Lands

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Time skip to Scar calling Sarabi...Kaha P.O.V

I heard Scar call our mother and me and Simba decided to wait. As they talked, i saw the lion guard standing beside Scar, obviously not pleased. I can see the look on Mfalme that he was missing me, Kula was the worst, he was depressed and obviously trying to hide it.

As i obeserved the guard Scar struck our mom and that's when me and Simba becam enraged, we growled and runs to our mom. While Simba was with our mother, i was watching Scar
"Mufasa?" Mom said confused
"'s us..Simba and Kaha" He said
"Simba..Kaha?! You're alive? How could that be" She said confused and glad
"Simba? Kaha? a little suprised to see you...alive"  Scar said glaring at Shenzi, Banzai and Ed who gulped
"Give us one good reason why we shouldn't rip you apart" I said coldly. I took a glance at the lion guard which have a surprised and happy face
" wouldn't understand..the pressure of being a king and the leader of the lion guard---"
"Are no longer yours...step down Scar" Me and Simba said in unison
"Well..i would naturally but you see them? They think I'm king" Scar said pointing at the hyenas
"Well we don't! Simba is the rightful King!" Nala said
"It's your choice Scar...step down or fight" I said
"Oh...must it all end in violence..i'd hate to be responsible for the death of a family member" He replied...i become enraged that he tries to make the lioness thinks that Simba killed our father
"NO! YOU KILLED MY FATHER SCAR...THE KING...YOUR BROTHER!" I shouted pouncing and pinning him down
"Oh Kahawia..please..the truth is in the eye of the behol-" I cut him off by choking him
"Alright...alright! I killed Mufasa" Scar said..but not loud enough
"So they can hear you" I said
"I KILLED MUFASA!" Scar shouted. The lioness became enraged and tries to get to Mufasa, the lion guard startes to move by my side and fights off the hyenas that tries to get near me and my brother.

"Kaha! You came back!" I heard a feminine voice said. I looked away and sees a familiar lioness "Wingu!" I yelled, fighting off the hyenas infront of me to get to her. I eventually managed and gets to her and nuzzle each other

Author P.O.V

Wingu is one of Kaha old friends, alongside with Nala and Simba. Her fur is a combination of white and yellow, her underbelly is white. Her personality is
The rest is the same as Simba. Her mother died in the reign of Scar, his father is unknown.
That's enough...let's get back to the story

Kaha P.O.V

After a second nuzzling, we seperated
"Now. Let's focus on the battle first before reunion k?" I said
"Okay! ROAR" She said and roars. I joined short after and sees Simba going on top of Pride Rock, by this point. The hyenas started to leave so i can relax a bit, and seconds later...they all are gone.

I saw Simba going down from the very top of pride rock. Me, Nala and my mother instantly runs into him and nuzzles him. He was called by Rafiki and he points his staff into the edge
"Come on brother. You can do it, i believe  in you" I said reassuring him. He simply nodded and smiled before turning back and going to the edge. He roared..we roared back

Epilogue is coming soon

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