Chapter 5

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No One P.O.V...time skip to the gorge

Kaha and Simba is walking by his uncle side, Kaha has a big suspicion on his uncle because he told him that he has a suprise. "Hey uncle...what does it feel like being the leader of the lion guard?" I asked. "Very tiring" Was all he answered. They walk down on the gorge until they stopped at a dead tree *insert the lion king conversation here (too lazy)*

Simba tried to roar but it came small. "Simba, try again" I said, i was still on full guard since Scar said 'it's to die for'. Simba roared again, but it also failed. The third time he roared, it's big "congratulation brother..hold on...did you feel that?" Kaha said noticing that the ground is shaking "yeah..." I looked up and saw a stampede. "STAMPEDE! SIMBA RUN! NOW!" Kaha shouted, Simba still stood there so he grab simba and throws him into his back. He notices a small ledge and Kaha manages to get into there, but Simba didn't manage and go to a tree instead. Kaha saw Zazu flying and reliefed to see him. "ZAZU! TELL MY DAD THAT I'M OKAY, WORRY ABOUT MY BROTHER!" Kaha shouted. Zazu seemed to heard it and instantly flies to Mufasa.

Kaha managed to climb up
time skip to Mufasa climbing
Kaha p.o.v

I saw my dad climbing so i decided to go where he climbed, but i already saw my uncle there so i was half reliefed but scared at the same time. "Scar! Brother help me!" My dad shouted, he is losing grip but my uncle just stared...and instead of helping, he dug his claw into his paw. He whispered something and throw him off the cliff. "Dad!" I shouted, i instantly went down the gorge again and sees my dad lying down, Simba is on his paw. "Brother?" He sees me and then runs to nuzzle me. "'s ok"

I saw my uncle going at us with a cold stare, i was too afraid to call murderer since if he can kill my dad, surely he can kill me and Simba. Not to mention we are still a cub. "Simba..Kaha what have you done?!" He said "what should i do uncle scar?" Simba asked. " away and never return" He said coldly, luckily i have a good eyesight so i sees the three hyenas. "Simba! Run! Hyenas!" I shouted. We ran until we get into a dead end "Simba! Go! I will give you a boost!" I yelled "but what about you?!" He asked, "don't worry about me! Now go!" I said giving him a boost, one hyena managed to catch my leg but i kicked him off. I climbed up and seeing the edge, i was thinking that there is a land on the other side...oh how i was very wrong...I falls off the gorge side and meeting Simba in the thorn bush "let's go!" I shouted..we ran into the distance...very far away...

Back at Pride Rock

No one P.O.V

Scar has told everyone the lies, even the lion guard members showed and lowered their heads. Once they saw the hyenas Kuongezeka tried to say something but was captured instead, along with Zazu.

Back at the deserts, Kaha P.O.V

We have run for starts know how long, Simba collapsed because of exhaustion and i almost fainted, i saw the vultures. I tried to get back up but didn't have enough strength, i was losing hope until i saw something in the someone...i look closer and it was a warthog and a meerkat, they swated the vultures. I was about to thank them when i fainted out

To be continued

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