Chapter 6

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Kaha P.O.V

I was woken up suddenly, my vision was blurry at first, when it became clear. I was in a Oasis with Simba laying down beside me still unconscious. "Bro?" I called him, he's still unconscious. I then pretended to roar, it was a pretty big roar, but not the roar of the elders for sure. Simba suddenly woke up and i heard "PUMBAA I TOLD YOU NOT TO KEEP THOSE LIONS!" A voice shouted "Aww sorry Timon but they're cute!" Another voice replied. I shrugged it and goes toward the voice. I sees a meerkat and a warthog arguing, i identified the meerkat as Timon and the Warthog as Pumbaa, they are arguing

I stepped in and jumped into the warthog back, pretending to eat him. "PUMBAA! RUN! HE'S GONNA EAT YOU!' Timon shouted, suddenly Pumbaa wiggles his body and managed to drop me.

"Hey! I was just joking!" I then heard a laugh from a small bush
"That's good Kaha" Simba praised me
"Thanks bro...and i suppose we haven't met?" I raised an eyebroe
"Right..I'm Timon and this is my pal Pumbaa" The meerkat introduced
"I'm Kahawia, you guys can call me Kaha..and this is my brother Simba" I introduced. Simba then frowned, before i got the chance to say something Timon cut me off
"what's wrong kid?" He asked
"I don't want to talk about it" Simba replied.
"Well kid, it seems you have too much worry, have you ever heard of..Hakuna Matata ?" Timon asked
"I have heard of it! It means no worries right?" I answered, recalling the times i was playing with Kula
"Good, now have you ever heard of it?" Timon asked, pointing at Simba.
"What?! Well...let me sing you a song then! Hakuna Matata" Timon started
"What a wonderful phrase!"
"Hakuna Matata, ain't no passin' craaaaaze" I joined and in unison with Pumbaa. "It means no worries, for the rest of your daaays" Me, Pumbaa and Timon sang "it's our problem free, philosophy! Hakuna Matata" Timon sang at the end.

"Hakuna Matata?" Simba asked
"Yup..and i think it's their motto i replied
" What's a motto?" He asked again. But just as i was about to answer, Timon popped out from a bush scaring Simba
"Nothin' what's the Motto with you?!" He laughed.
"Hey, i know you saved our lives but if you talk something bad about him, i will rip you apart" I said in threatening voice he can only gulp
"Hehe...I'm sorry Junior's" He apologized
" know kids, those two words will solve all your problems" Timon continued, with a nervous face towards me
"well...i have-" I was cutted off by Timon
"Take Pumbaa here! Why? When he was a young warthog"
"When i was a young Wart-- HOOOOOOOOOG" Pumbaa continued making us cringe our ears


"Kids, if you want to live with us, you'll need to eat like us. Hey! This looks like a nice place to rustle up some grubs!" Timon said going towards a dead tree branch. "Eww what's that?" Simba asked
"It's called Grubs Simba..." i rolled my eyes
"Eww gross" Simba said after looking at Timon eating them
"Taste like chicken!"

Time skip to 4 years

We are now an Adults, Me and Simba have grown a full mane, i have a brown mane and Simba has a bright red mane, we were just walking down the jungle when we heard Pumbaa screams
"Come on Simba! Let's go!" I said. We runs down the jungle when we sees a Lioness, Simba tackles her when i recognized her
"Simba wait ! Stop!" I shouted, both lions stop and the lioness look kinda suprised
"Nala?! Is that you?!" I asked
"Who are you?" She asked
"It's me! Kaha and Simba!" I said. She tooks a few moments until she shouted our names, we began nuzzling, playing and jumping, that is until Timon stopped us
"HEY! WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!" he shouted
"Timon this is our best friend Nala!" Simba introduced
"Oi Pumbaa! Stop being stuck for one day geez! It has been the 250th time this month!" I shouted. Pumbaa managed to free himself and ran toward us
"Nala. What are you doing here?" I asked
"I came to find help, and i found you guys" She replied. I got an idea
"Simba! We are adults now! We can go back to the pride lands and challenge Scar!" I said
"NO! We're not going back!" Simba shouted which suprised me
"Simba..let's talk alone" Nala said
They walked off into the distanced and now it's just me, Pumbaa and Timon

Next: Simba now returns to the pride lands as Kaha is reassembling the guards!

A/N: there may be a Sequel to this story, it's the lion king 2 but at the same time...the lion guard and now..see ya!

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