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"Oh Mufasa they're beautiful" A lioness named Sarabi said. In her hands *ehm* paws are two lion cubs, one is yellow and another is brown "I know, what should we name them?" A lion named Mufasa replied. "How about...Simba for the older, and Kahawia for the younger one?" Sarabi suggest "i like that" Mufasa replied.

A while later, A mandrill named Rafiki comes and hug Mufasa then starts walking towards the cubs. He waved his stick at them and they both tried to reach it. He takes one of the fruit and split it in half, which reveal a red liquid thingy. He paint it in their forehead and holds them with his two hands. He presented it to the animals who bowed in respect...


The Lion King: The Two PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now