Chapter 2

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Simba P.O.V

I'm now home after my dad takes my brother go with him, i feel kinda upset but i rather forget it. I went to Uncle Scar place to talk with him, luckily i saw him in his usual spot. "Hey uncle scar! Guess what?" He turns around "i despise guessing games" He said  "I'm gonna be King of Pride Rock" I said. "Oh goodie" He replied. "My dad just showed me the whole kingdom and I'm gonna ruule it all" I laughed.. Then i heard a a loud one, i look up to the edge and saw some clouds.

Scar P.O.V

I was about to say something when i heard a roar, which i recognize as the roar of the elders. "Oh no...if that hairball of Mufasa got the roar...the plan will be ruined..." Simba suddenly starts speaking to me again. "Hey uncle scar, what was that?" "Ask your father as i also don't know what it is" I pretended to not know and layed down. Luckily Simba bought it. "Hey uncle scar, do you know about the shadowy place that dad says it's dangerous?"  "For's dangerous to go out there.. Second...i will not tell you" "Danger? Hah! I will definitely go there" Simba whispered to himself at the last part, but i heard it and i know exactly what to respond "ABSOLUTELY NOT SIMBA! AN ELEPHANT GRAVEYARD oops..." I pretended. "An elephant" "Promise me Simba you won't go there, and this is our secret. "Ok uncle scar!" He walked into Pride Rock

Kaha P.O.V

My dad has teached me how to be a leader when we get to Pride Rock, we saw Simba going down from the ledge and i shrug it. I saw Rafiki going down from a nearby tree. "Hello Mufasa and young prince" Rafiki greeted "hello my old friend." Mufasa greet back at Rafiki. "So Kahawia...i heard your roar!" Rafiki said. "And is this roar a good thing?" I asked. "Yes Yes! Follow me!" Rafiki said "let's go son" Ummm ok dad. Right after one step, a honey badger jumped into me. "Oh hello Kaha, didn't see you there" The honey badger said with a nervous laugh. "Nah.. It's ok Kula" I replied.

Me and Kula is a best friend, United by coincidence when i was exploring the watering hole


Mom and dad let me explore on my own for the first time...of course they restrict me to certain areas. My first destination was the watering hole. My first action was to dive in "FurBall!!" I yelled when diving to the water. "Hehe! That was fun!" I kept repeating it for 3 times, the 4th times was interesting, right after i jumped. I encountered another splash, i look at who caused it and it's a honey badger. "Hello!" I greeted "Hello!" He greeted back "What's your name?" I asked "I don't know, but most animals call me Kula because i eat bugs too much in a single day. " Well I'm gonna call you Kula then! the way, I'm Kahawia! Prince of the pride lands! He was shocked to see the prince in his very own eye. "Unbelievable! I just met a prince!" "I like your attitude Kuha..want to be friends?" I asked. "Why yes of course" Right after saying that he jumped into me..that was the beginning of the friendship between The Prince and the Honey Badger

End of Flashback

I was daydreaming that i didn't watch where i was going...which made me bumb into a wall. "Ouch..." After a while, my vision become clear and i sees a vines  going downward. "This is where i can find the roar?" I asked "Rafiki?" My dad asked him. Rafiki then opens the vine to reveal a tunnel

To be continued

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