Chapter 4

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Kaha P.O.V

I have assembled the lion guard, the team consists of Kula, Imvubu, Kuongezeka and Mfalme, surprisingly my Dad approved my guard, even if it's different group of animals. We started a patrol immediately when we heard a scream near the border, we also see Zazu being launched from the shadowy place Simba talked earlier. "What was that?!" Mfalme the cheetah asked. "I don't know, Kuon..mind taking a look?" "Roger doger!" He said

"Kaha! It's your brother Simba! He is being chased by hyenas!" Kuon shouted
"Hyenas?! Oh no Lion Guard! Let's go!" I shouted. We runs to the graveyard as i like to call it and sees Simba cornered, he tried to roar but failed miserably. "TILL THE PRIDELANDS END! LION GUARD DEFEND!" I shouted, the three hyenas then looked toward us, only to be attacked. "Umm Shenzi?! I think we need to go!" The male one said, the other nodded. "Good idea!" Shenzi said, the three then runs away. "Brother ?! Is that you?!" Simba asked. " may need to have a talk with dad" I glared at him. "Come on let's go, this place is creeping me out" Mfalme said. "I agree let's go bro" I said, still glaring

We have arrived at Pride Rock, my friends go back to their den and me and simba go to our dad. "Dad?" I called "yes Kaha?" He appeared. "Simba here got himself into a trouble in the graveyard" I glared, he lowered himself indicating that he's scared "SIMBA! Get over here son! You too Kaha!" I was kinda suprised because he called me too. "Umm ok dad" I said..

"Simba I'm very could've been killed ! You deliberately disobeyed me! And you need your brother to help you!" My dad scolds at him. "I'm just trying to brave like you" He reasoned. "Simba. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble" My dad explains. "But you're not scared of anything" My brother said. "I was today..scared" "You was ?" " scared of losing you" He explain. "Oh...i guess kings can get scared huh. But guess what?" "What?" My father said "i think those hyenas are even more scared from my brother. " "Well I  am the fiercest in my guard" I smirked then pounced on him. We played for a while until our dad calls us "Simba, Kaha come here" We come to our dad "look at the starts my son, the great kings of the past looks down on us. So remember, when you're feeling alone, just remember that they look down on us..and so will i" My dad said. We Stargaze for a while until i dozed off in my father mane

To be continued

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