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Yoongi POV
10 minutes later

"The person you are trying to call is unavailable, please leave a message after the tone" What the hell is going on? Why isn't she answering? I ran my fingers through my hair, frustrated as I pressed the call button one more time.

Ring Ring.....

Nothing. Okay am started to get worried now. Do I go look for her? Maybe she's lost, no but she came yesterday fine, what happened? I decided to go out and look for her, so I quickly got myself up from my warm chair, putting a coat on as I headed downstairs to the main door. As I opened the door, the cold air hit my face nearly dropping me onto the floor, I closed the door as I stood out of the house heading to look for her. She couldn't have been far, right? what is wrong with the streetlights? It's not even that bright. I opened my phone putting the light switch on. I put my other hand in my coat pocket due to the sudden cold weather. Walking down the street further, my foot accidentally stepped on something, I released the pressure of my foot and picked up the item on the floor. What? Is this a phone? I opened the phone and seen a picture that broke me. Me and Hyunsook in each other's arms, smiling. My heart tightened against its walls, as a cry noise came out from my mouth. W-what? I looked away from the phone and my eyes met the only thing I didn't want to see, a pile of dark red blood, slowly drying on the floor. That's it I can't do this anymore! Where is she! My legs weakened as my knee met the cold ground, my hands went over her blood as my eyes became weak, tears falling to my cheeks as my head started spinning.The only person that understands me, the only person that puts up with my shit, the person that loves me for who I am and not because of how rich or how much money I have, the person that I love with my whole heart is now gone. My tears slowly became dry as new ones started to form. I don't know how long I been there, crying it seemed like forever since I had her in my arms.

My vision was filled with a bright light, a car slowly pulling up to the side, as a tall figure came up to me, running.

"Yoongi?" He bent down to my level, his hands on my shoulder right, lightly pushing it.

"Hyung!!" He looked at the pool full of blood as his eyes met mine again.

"What happened?" He questioned as he gently brought me up to a standing position. I couldn't do it, my legs are too weak. My useless body brought itself back down, meeting the ground once again as I cried my hands covering my eyes, why is this happening to me? Why!!

"Please hyung, you need to tell me what happened for me to help you" he sounded worried

"Help?" I scoffed, who would help me bring back the person I can't breath without!?

"Yes, I can help you"

"You can't help for shit" I spoke as I got a hold of her phone.

"Fine if you want to be like that" he was about to turn around, but I stopped him.

"Hyunsook is gone" he stopped in his position, turning around with a blank face.

"What? How?" He questioned

"I don't know, but I found her phone and a pool of blood in the floor, so I just figured" he slowly came closer.

"Who the fuck would do that?"

"Am not sure, who would kidnap an innocent normal girl from Seoul?"

"You need file a mission person" he said bringing his phone up.

"Fuck the police, I'll find her myself!"

"You can't do anything right now, all you have is her phone, the police need to be by our side right now" he's right, what can I do? Nothing, and that just pissed me even more. I nodded as he called the police. Soon enough the police came, they asked a few questions, where have I seen her last? When did I contact her, they also said we can't start the investigation until it has been 24hours since she's gone missing. No! That's bullshit, who would wait that long!?!!?

Meanwhile back to Y/N...

"I still can't believe this, you are in a group?" She walked across the living room as Jungkook sat on the sofa, going through his phone.

"Let me actually search this" she grabbed her phone and started to google bts. Her eyes widened due to all the information that her eyes were given.

"Famous?! Why didn't you tell me this before?" She came to the sofa as she sat close to the male. He turned around now putting all his attention on her.

"I didn't want you to think of me differently " he quickly made that up in his head, the old Y/N knows that he's in a famous group called bts. She moved herself closer to him, placing her hands on his shoulder

"I would never do that, you are too important to me, okay?" He nodded smiling as she opened her arms wanting a hug. He happily threw himself at her, as now her back is on the sofa as Jungkook laid perfectly on her. He nuzzled his head at the crook of her warm neck as she wrapped her arms around him, closing her eyes as she placed her neck on his shoulder. She felt his warm breath against her neck as her fingers found its way to his long hair.

"Y/N" he whispered as he started to slowly suck on her neck, leaving open mouth kisses, as he tightened his grip on her nape caressing it, moving her closer.

"J-Jungkook" she whispered, rolling the word out of her mouth.

"Mhmm?" He moved down now having a feel of her collarbone passionately kissing it as his fingers made its way to her dark hair, gently yanking it.

"I-I-" she stuttered, breathing hard as he moved up now facing her, faces inches way from each other, his hands on each side of her face as their warm breath mixed with each other.

"Your so beautiful" he whispered, examining her gorgeous, natural features as his hands caressed the side of her face, looking at her round shapes lips and back to her eyes. In the matter of seconds, his lips crashed into hers, moving them against hers as she took a few seconds to response, kissing him back, grabbing onto is curly hair pulling him closer until there is now space in between. He smiled against her lip, showing his cute rabbit smile as he wrapped his hands around her waist, kissing her back. They both stood on their knees, holding each other as his fingers started to feel the hem of her shirt, slowly lifting it up. She placed her hands on his chest, surprised at how hard it is. He bit her lip, slowly dragging it out before letting it go. She panted hard as she looked up at him, his dark brown eyes already admiring hers.

"Shit, I want you so bad" he reunited his lip with hers, tracing his fingers under her shirt on the girl's waist as she jumped due to the sudden touch.

"Sorry baby, am I going to quick?" He said between the kiss, caressing her waist to help her calm down. Y/N laughed due to what he said as she placed her hands on his grey dark shirt pulling it up, his hands automatically moving up at the side of his head as she pulled the shirt off him, throwing it aside...... No words. Wow. Her jaw dropped open, tracing her fingers onto his well toned, defined abs. He was built perfectly, he was put together very well. He was the definition of beautiful. He smirked showing the side of his teeth, allowing her to gulp as he attacked her neck. She held onto his shoulders, gripping it tight. She threw her head back allowing him to have better access to her neck. He slowly came up to her cheeks kissing it gently as finally their lips meant.

"Jungkook" she moaned, as he gripped on her shirt throwing it away.

"Yes, moan my name, that's the only name you should call" he observed her body as she covered it with her hands, feeling insecure. Jungkook quickly grabbed her hands placing it down.

"What's wrong? there's no need to cover anything from me, your beautiful babe" he softly spoke.

A/N: am actually crying 3k on mysterious boy 1, I can't thank you guys enough, what did I ever do to deserve this. Thank you so so much from the bottom of my heart. I love each and every one of you so much 💜💜💜💜💜

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