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Jungkook POVIt's hard it's really fucking hard to go through this shit after today, we have ten minutes to get Taehyung down before something horrible happens, looking over at Y/N she's suffering, her tears are running, her nose is red and keeps g...

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Jungkook POV
It's hard it's really fucking hard to go through this shit after today, we have ten minutes to get Taehyung down before something horrible happens, looking over at Y/N she's suffering, her tears are running, her nose is red and keeps getting colder the weather not helping at all, at this point we don't know what to do, how is it possible to get him down in ten minutes, his mother is crazy doing this to her own son.

"guys we need to do something!!" she yelled in pain, looking up at the figure, me and Yoongi glanced looks

"is there anything around here to help us get him down...?"  wait a minute, I looked at Yoongi once again

"I'll be right back..." he started running the other direction

"We are fucked, I swear if something happens to him-" softly taking her into my embrace I shut her off

"its okay we got this, we'll save him..."

"Jungkook I need your help...?" Yoongi appeared with a ladder, pressing it against the Ferris wheel, I don't think this is going to work

"guys our time is up...." noona called from the side, I don't know what to say, it all happened so fast, so quickly, it's like it all happened in slow motion like the ones in movies. I couldn't believe my eyes and am sure the other two can relate, I looked over at her and she was covered with mud, the body laid there on the wet floor, she was shaking, stuck, she couldn't move, it's too late....

Yoongi quickly walked towards taehyung, his shoulders relaxed as soon as he seen the body...

"this is not taehyung..."



her tears never stopped falling from her cheeks, the warm blanket covering her still wet body, she sat on the floor of her room, watching the endless rain pour, it hit the ground in a very fast motion, not stopping. The rain continued to fall on her window, she couldn't help but think of him, him he never left her mind not even for a second....

His beautiful smile.......

His pretty eyes...

His cute little mole on his nose.....

His big warm hugs.....

His soft lips.......

Is that all over? Is it not happening again? is he gone? soon enough the rain turned into thunder, but did she care? No, her eyes kept open, staring outside, it's like her soul has been possessed or gone, she stayed there for a couple of minutes until she decided to head to bed....

She stopped on her tracks, not wanting to move anymore, the hearing of a knock on the door stopped her from doing anything, it was loud and dominate, she slowly walked towards the door, the knock continued it's presence..

"who is it...?" her voice not even loud enough for the other person to hear, it was gently and soft, but there's no response only knocking, she decided to slowly open the door by turning the knob, sneaking her head into the small hole that she made

"What the fuck...." as soon as her eyes made contact with the other pair of eyes, she closed the door, a bit to hard, running her hands through her hair....

"no no no you're seeing wrong Y/N...." she thought as the person started to knock again, she walked to the door once again to reassure herself, opening the door, her eyes widened as the other made it's enterance into the house.

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