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Jimin's POV
I have my first check up today, I needed to make sure my arm is doing okay and strong ready for the comeback, if it isn't I will be very disappointed, but hopefully everything goes right today...I kept ignoring my phone buzzing against my back pocket, thinking it's just another stupid text from jungkook..

"Mr Park this way please...." the doctor walked me towards the room, closing the door behind him...

"you can take a seat I'll be right back...." I nodded, placing myself on the nearby chair, through the class window, my eyes caught a figure walking pass the room, her heels marking her existence, why does it feel like I know this women? am pretty sure I do, her side profile is really familiar, she walked confidently into a different room, the nurse closing the door after her....

"alright Mr Park...." the door opened as the doctor came in with the result

"you seem to be getting better, a few more days and you're ready to go...."

"Thank god does it mean I can take this off..." I looked at my arm, the thick bandages around the surface

"yes but in a few days, I'll book an appointment for you...." I happily nodded

"Thank you doctor...."

"No problem, it's a pleasure having you here Mr Park, my daughter is a big fan of you...." I smiled


"you don't mind giving her a little present do you..."

"of course not, I love my fans..." he handed me a plan paper and a pen, I quickly signed the paper giving it back to the doctor

"thank you so much she's love it....." I stood up from my seat

"no problem, thank you..." I bowed as he did the same, walking towards the exit of the door and towards the corridors of the hospital...

The corridors were super quiet, my heels on making its presence, I looked around and no one was there before I knew it a strong pair of hands grabbed my hips, dragging me into an empty room, the lights were dark, I couldn't see a thing, however I could feel the figure against my body, heavy breaths against my skin, the figure trapped me against the wall, their hands were pretty strong, placing one of my hand above my head and didn't touch the other, I could feel their face close to mine, but I can't see anything

"where have you been baby boy...." i know that voice, as a matter of face I know that voice pretty well, they breath caressing my skin, moving closer to my neck, they slowly started to peck my neck before roughly sucking it leaning open mouth kisses around my neck

"w-what are you doing here..." I tried to stay calm, confident and not to stutter but I failed once again, I failed to show how confident I am infront of them

"I want you jimin...." i have no words, am speechless, I can't do this, I don't think I can, it's too much, their warm lips travelled up my jaw

"s-stop..." a peck was the last thing I felt before their eyes were locked with mine

"you want me to stop..?" I felt a hand go down towards my trousers...

"You fucked up, you know you did and here you are back again.."

"tell me you don't want me....." a finger was placed under my chin

"tell me you don't want me and I'll leave you alone..." who the fuck am I kidding? am dying inside, there's not a day that goes past without him in my mind, I don't know if he feels the same...

"I want you...." the other male smirked, moving closer to the other male, trapping him against the wall further, he caressed his lips with mine

"s-stop teasing...." he continued to tease me even more placing his hand around my nape

"you want to feel my lips against yours again...?" He knows what I want and here he is asking all the questions..

"your words baby boy and am ready to grand you that wish...." the sexual tensions was rising, I can't take this, it's too hot in here

"kiss me..." that's all it took, two words, who knew I could feel all this just by saying two words, his lips roughly pressed against mine, placing his hips against mine, his strong arms went under my shirt, caressing my stomach as he slowly moved his lips against my own, he quickly bit my lip, allowing his tongue to make its enterance, I've never left this way before, with my ex I've never left like this with her and here I am with a guy, feeling this weird feeling I've never felt before, am scared. Not only scared am fucking terrified, I don't know what to do, most importantly I don't know what he's feeling, that's the problem with him, he doesn't tell me what he's feeling, he doesn't say a word and that worries me, and here I am making out with a guy I don't even know if he feels anything

"you taste amazing..." he slowly broke the kiss, biting my lip in between his, he looked down at my lips slowly caressing them with his thumb....

any guesses?

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