Chapter 12: Reunited

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Chapter 12:


Seeing Alexandria in the distance, Zinox teleported the group again, but they barely moved forward.

"Zinox, you have to stop, you'll die at this point." Athena said concerned. He was hunched over and breathing heavily. From the Temple of Atmas to the boat in Kolu and once landed back in Nazerth, he had been teleporting everyone closer and closer to Alexandria as much as he could.

"We must get back as soon as possible." He said breathing heavily, passing out. Tyr walked over and picked him up, throwing him over his shoulder.

"Let's go, he can rest until we get there." Tyr said as he began to walk towards the city. As they got closer to the city, they could see another group approaching as well.

Isaac immediately noticed Rose and smiled, but as soon as he saw the Karhu he couldn't help but light up.

"Who are they!?" He asked excitedly.

"She did it..." Athena said relieved.

Rose noticed them out of the corner of her eye and saw Tyr carrying Zinox and immediately began to run over in panic. As she approached she called out to make sure he was okay. Isaac called back out to let her know he was fine.

"That is a relief. Wait, is that a Demonic?" She said stepping back, getting ready for an attack.

"We will explain later, he is one of us. We need to be careful, the Terrarian Government are-" Athena said.

"Working with the Demonics?" Rose said finishing her sentence.

"Yes... what happened?" She asked.

"Once the Karhu decided to become allies with us, we were leaving the village when we were ambushed by Harold and a bunch of soldiers. We witnessed Harold change into a Demonic. Rose explained. "What exactly is going on?"

"So Humans can turn too... that means every race will be able to as well. A lot is going to change. I have some explaining to do." Azro'kin said.

"In due time. First we have to clear the government out of the city, who knows what is happening in there right now." Athena said.

Isaac's team walked with Rose over to her team and reunited with everyone. Keeza and Chloe were ecstatic to see him and couldn't help but hug him on arrival.

"Athena my dear, how long has it been." Ursine said walking up to her.

"As long as ever, Ursine, I am glad to see you are alright." She said.

"It seems there is still turmoil within the alliance. The Terrarian Government has fallen so far, it is most frightening." Ursine said disappointed.

"I agree, that is why we end their infiltration within our alliance now." She said boldly.

"What is the plan?" Isaac asked.

"Wake Zinox up, he's rested long enough." She said. Tyr put Zinox on the ground and smacked him. He immediately woke up and held his face. At first he was angry, but after realizing he had passed out he understood why he smacked awake.

"How long was I out?" He asked.

"For about ten minutes, we are getting ready to force the Terrarian Government out and you need to be awake to listen to the plan." Athena answered.

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