Sirius black

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I'm doing this imagine for myself because I had a dream about this.

James' pov:
"Shit, shit, shit, shit." I almost yell at myself and Sirius.
"I know mate but we need to move fast, what if someone is outside." Sirius replied, this is freaking us all out. It's a full moon and remus just got out of the wheeping willow, anyone could be outside.

Madi's pov:
I was out walking because I couldn't sleep knowing that the boys were trying to keep Remus at bay while hurting themselves in the process, don't get me wrong I love remus and I feel horrible for what happening to him. It's not his fault. I'm just worried for the boys especially Sirius, it's not everyday your crush is fighting a werewolf with his friends. I just wish I could help, if I were to be an animagus (even if it's not registered) I would be a amount of help, you see my Petronius is a wolf. I just wish they would let me help. It's not just that either I'm stressed about tests Coming up, because professor slughorn insist we have one. I hate potions.
My thoughts were cut off when I saw Sirius. He saw me and started walking slowly, I don't understand why he went slowly. Soon enough he stopped in his tracks and his eyes widened about 20x. He gestured for me to go to him he didn't say anything about the pace so I jogged over which got him to freak out. He started shaking his head and his hands saying stop, me being kinda freaked out now I stopped and hid. When I looked up he was gone, this caused me to freak out more. I crouched and stayed silent.
My head was running wild with thought about what could be behind me, I was to scared to look. How far was it from me. My head soon came up with a theory that I didn't like. Why was Sirius out here on a full moon.
I decided to stop thinking and just stay silent, this killed me. My heart was beating so fast that if it was remus, he would find me really quick. I heard a snap behind me and I covered my mouth really fast in case I screamed. It was so quiet, that was until a sound right behind me. A growl.
My mind screamed stay still but that was after I got up and sprinted as my life did depends on it. Huffs and growls were right behind me. When I thought I was a good amount of distance away I decided to scream for Sirius.
"SIRIUS!" I screamed
"SIRIUS!" I continued screaming.
""Siri-" my scream was cut off when my body flung to the ground. Shit shit shit shit.
I was dead, I had no chances left. Remus was about to Pounce on me when something came and tackled him to the ground. James and peter came running over. Everything moved so fast, I saw peter come my way then a I saw a buck go and help Sirius.
Peter helped me up and I obliged hoping to get away from this mess. That was before everything went black.

Time skip

Sirius' pov:
We got moony to the hospital wing, after that my mind went straight the Madi. Was she here?
"I put Madi here, Sirius." Peter said. As if on queue madam pomfry came over and informed us what happened.
"When peter came here, Madi had passed out from shock, and had grassed legs. She is completely fine now she's in there." She said pointing to the curtains.
"Okay thanks." I say rushing over to where she said she was.
I opened the curtain to see Madi laying in bed, a sigh of relief washed over. I walked over to her and hugged her and she didn't fight, she just hugged me back. Then I did the unthinkable... I kissed her. I must of been so scared to lose her because it came out of no where.
"Why did you do that?" She asked
"I love you, and last night I thought I was going to lose you. So I love you." I said
"I love you too." She replies, best experience ever.

Madi's pov:
Best experience ever.

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