Sirius black part 2

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A/n, as requested a part two from the last imagine but Sirius isn't going to be the love interest.

After the whole Sirius thing I've tried getting over him, yeah it was hard because with all the love I have him in my eyes I only saw the love he had for Marlene.

it was about eight months since the big confession and I was enjoying my beauty sleep when...

"Wake up." I hear a voice above me shaking me lightly.
"No." I state simply pushing their arms off me.
"Yes." The same voice states yanking the covers off of my top half.
"Piss off" I say to the person I haven't yet identified. I slightly open my eye to take a peak at whos in the dorm, and to my not surprised it was Sirius. with out any warning I feel the cover being lifted up and my leg being dragged out of the comfort of my bed to the cold ground.

"Shit!" I scream taking in how fast I went form being comfortable to the floor, I looked up at the boy who disturbed me with a confused but angry look. 

"I'm sorry, but you left me no choice" he said defending himself.

"How in the hell did you get in here?" I asked 

"Her." he said and pointed to Marlene who was at the door silently giggling at the scene going down in front of her. I jokingly give her a glare. 

"Alright I'm up." I say going to my dresser as the couple leave my room. When they leave my smile drops as I didn't feel sick in my stomach as I normally did when I'm around him.

time skip

"Remus I have news." I say going up to my best friend when I notice somethings off but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Yeah what's up?" He asks smiling at me 

"I don't think I like Sirius anymore." I say smiling his face immediately lifts and a smile is placed on it.

"That's amazing, I'm so proud of you." he says pulling me in for a hug. as we let go of the hug he smiled and walked off to go do whatever Remus does in his spare time. I never actually seen him in his spare time besides when he's with the rest of the group. My mind was wondering all these things but the main thought was the weird sickness I've been feeling around him and then it hits me and I run off to find James.

time skip

"James!, James!, James!" I say going through the crowd of students. When I got to him I see the relief wash over Lily's face.

"Y/N, look its Y/N, she seems excited have fun." She said before running off in the opposite direction.

"This better be good L/N" he said looking at me.

"it is I swear. I don't like Sirius anymore." I say with a smile. he looks at me and then puts on a fake smile and says (dramatically in my opinion)

"That's great, real great. worth ruining my time with my precious  Lily Flower." my smile drops and I mutter,

"and..." he looks at me and narrows his eyes

"and?" he says 

"I think I have feelings for..." I say mumbling the name 

"for who?" he says 

"Remus." I say louder and I see his eyes widen in shock.

" I know I know its never going to happen beca-" I start but James cuts me off.

"No, No this is great because he likes you to and I thought you already knew but you just weren't saying anything but this is even better we need to find him now, like right now!" he says in a rush

time skip to the library 

"there he is." James whispers in my ear and slowly pushes me forward. Up ahead was Remus nose in a book, I guess I could've of guessed that this where he'd be in his spare time. he looks up from his book and notices us slowly moving towards him. his face morphs from a welcoming smile to a confused one about why we were here and why we were moving so slow. 

We moved painfully slow until we were right in front of him.

"Can I help you?" he asks with a smile

"oh you can help ol' Y/N here in many wa-" James started but I hit him in the ribs with my elbow as a silent cry for him to shut up, James releases a small whimper as if he was puppy that was just kicked. Remus looks at me in confusion and for a couple minute it was complete silence until James broke it by sighing and pulling Remus up so he was now standing.

"its not that hard, Remus, Y/N likes you. Y/N, Remus likes you now kiss." he says not so quietly  and at the end he pushes our heads together and our lips collided.

the kiss wasn't short but it wasn't long either and it felt... right. what I didn't know is that Sirius had heard the commotion from outside and took a peak inside. when he saw Remus and I kissing he could help but smile. Sure he had felt bad that he couldn't be the one to make me smile but he know deep down Remus was always the one.

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