Sirius black

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Request by @namithra

Sirius Black, a man whore. Not really hard to decipher, he was a real looker and that obviously attracted all the girls besides y/n she was determined to not give in to him.

"hey, l/n. what going on? care to accompany me at hogs-" sirius started but was soon cut off with y/n stopping suddenly and turned to face him.

"For the last time black, i'm not interested go... get a life and stop bugging me." she said trailing thinking of something to say.

"come on babe just one date? thats all i'm asking." he said looking at her. y/n tried to stay focused and keep a hard face but that hard when your looking into the eyes of the devil a really hot devil.

"mmm but you see, your asking to much." she  blatantly stated and turned her back and walked away.

"ohh how does that feel padfoot? to keep getting rejected." Prongs said laughing at sirius.

"oh bug off mate." sirius said pushing him away.

"do you want my advice? don't move so fast give her tim- ohh my god Lily flower don't you look beautiful as ever today. oh see ya mate!" James yelled running after lily probably begging her like a dog to date him, come to think of it maybe James' petronas should be a dog seeing as he was best at begging. 



"Why can't he see that i'm not interested in him. i'm really over him asking me out. like i appreciate it but no he shags every girl in the school and thinks i'm next like whats next, he's gonna ask you Lily? no offence." I said pacing and stopped lifting my head at the end.

"none taken, i understand like James is so annoying like he expects me to one day say yes like n-" Lily started but i cut her.

"Lily, i now i got to stop using this but no offence but can we stop talking about your problems quickly and focus on mine right now becasue sirius is getting out of control and i know James is a handful.. believe me i know that why their best friends their love for annoying girls, but lets not act like you don't like the attention James is giving you. i know you like him." i said staring at her.

"ok back to your problems."lily said eyes wide open as she turns her head so i couldn't see her blush creeping onto her cheeks..... i did.

" Aww is lily flower blushing."

"shut up before i tell sirius about your huge crush on him." lily said her face only going redder.

"i don't, i couldn't fall for his stupid... stupid beautiful grey eyes and his stupid chiselled jaw line and his devious smirk..... what were we talking about again?" i asked coming out of my daze of imagining his face.

"oh we were just talking about how much you love sirius." she said with a smirk which i only glared at her.

"i don't get it if you like him so much why don't you just say yes?" she asked

"i don't want to be the next that comes out of that door crying" i say with in a small voice. Lily looked at me before embracing me in a side hug.


i stared at sirius as he rambled on about  a date but i just stared at him and started walking away from him.

"no wait where are you going?" sirius asked chasing me and grabbing my arm. i turned around and faced him like i did yesterday.

"away from you." i stated plainly before taking my arm out of his grasp and turned and kept walking.

"whats stopping you!" he shouted causing people to stop and stare including me.

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