Remus Lupin

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Requested by @namithra

Growing up with remus was great. I was his friend from the beginning and I will always be his friend, well that's what I promised him when he told me he had gotten bitten by a werewolf. He promised the exact same thing but it's clear that only one of us kept our promise. We were both 11 when we got our Hogwarts letter like every other kid that got their letter. We got all our stuff together and prepared together anyone could tell that we were both excited for Hogwarts.
A month passed and here we were sitting in a compartment on the Hogwarts express. We were both excited and nervous and our feelings heightened when three boys came in and asked if they could sit with us which we happily obliged to. Sitting in that compartment I noticed that remus was enhanced in the conversation that he was having with the boys and I was happy for him. The only problem was that I was never included in the conversation. Obviously I was upset and when we got to the boats he was gone making me find my own way around.
We got inside and lined up, I had created a new friend named lily and she introduced me to a girl name Marlene and we all soon became really close friends, soon my name was called out.
"Y/n L/n!" I slowly walked up and sat on the stool looking over the hall that was flooded with kids.
"Gryffindor!" Called the hat. I walked over to the house that was cheering and sat down with a smaller on my face.
"Remus Lupin!" McGonagall called out when it was his turn.
"Gryffindor!" The hat called. I smiled and nudged ove a bit for him to sit with me to which he walked straight past me and to the boys he met. And that's we're it started, the years of Remus and I being friend went down the drain. He still talked to me if we bumped into each other and then he just cut me off.

Time skip

We're now in 5th year and lily, Marlene and I became inseparable. Lily was hit on by James none stop and Sirius shagged every girl in the school, peter was a rat and Remus.. well he still ignored me. Sometimes I wish that he would come crawling back and I know it's Selfish to say but it hurt to know that the person you thought would never leave you, left you. Right now all of us were in the common room laughing at each other. It was originally just us three girls but then the boys joined and now there's 7 of us. It was getting really late and I wasn't ready to go to bed yet. But one by one they all left to go to bed. The only people left was Remus and I.
It was deadly quiet, you could hear the crickets from outside the windows.
"So..." Remus said trailing off, not making any eye contact with me.
"What?" I said snapping at him slightly. When I looked up I could see that he flinched a bit.
"What ever happened between us?" He asked, to which I just looked at him as if it was the easiest question in the world which it was.
"Are you serious?" I asked
"No, I'm Remus, Sirius is my friend." He said smiling a bit. I'm not gonna lie it was a bit funny but I just glared at him after all, he left me.
"You left me. That's what happened." I state looking at him and then looking down at my hands.
"How? I can't recall leaving you." He said getting defensive.
"Ok, we were on the train the boys joined you cut me out. We got to the tables and to left me. Then the only time you acually  talked to me was when we bumped into each other. And then you completely ignored me, well up until now." I say getting angry. He looked at me as if offended until realisation kicked in and he remembered.
"I'm sorry." He says looking at me. I scoff.
"The only reason your sorry is because you got told the truth so apology not accepted. The only thing I want to know is why? Why did you block me out huh?" I say raising my voice a bit.
"I don't know." He says avoiding my glance.
"Yes you do and I want to know so tell me!" I say almost yelling and standing up.
"Because!" He says yelling back.
"Because why?" I yell shoving him a bit. To which groaned shoving me back harder making me fall to the ground and I hit my head in the coffee table. He immediately stopped and stared at me. Panic, regret and fear flashing across his face. My head was banging and I started to feel dizzy. Remus tried moving towards me but I backed up a bit flinching.
"Are you scared of me?" He asks looking at me. I say nothing just watching his every move.
"The last thing I want I'd for you to be scared of." He says tears rolling down his cheeks. My tears were burning my eyes and soon released flooding down my own cheeks. I slowly got up and walked towards the portrait. I opened it and walked out heading towards the hospital wind hoping that Madam Pomfrey was still there.

Remus' POV:
I can't believe it. It finally happened. I hurt her more than emotionally but physically. The only reason I avoided her was because I was afraid of hurting her. I loved her... I still love her and now I know I have no chance. I should've known that she would've stayed with me but instead I ruined it, I cause damage and I ruined everything thing.
I want to take it back but I can't. I decided to just go to bed even if I couldn't sleep.

Time skip

Readers POV:
I woke up in the hospital wing. Luckily Madam Pomfrey didn't leave and was still there to help me.
I went down to the great hall for breakfast. I sat down with lily and she gave me a sympathetic look. I smiled at he and continued on eating. I had a mild concussion but other than that I was completely fine. After I finished eating I went to go get ready for class. When I got to the portrait I said the password but before I could enter I heard talking more specifically the marauders.
"Why don't you just talk to her?" One of them asked, it sounded like Sirius.
"Because I cant. I tried but then I stuffed up like always." Remus said.
"Why don't  you just tell her that?" James asks.
"Because she won't probably won't listen." Remus says again.
"She is now." Sirius says. Dammit I was spotted.
Slowly I came out of the shadows and looked at them. Sirius and James walked away and all that was left was Remus.
"Listen, I'm sorry for everything. For leaving you and then giving you a concussion. I left because I was afraid of losing you, ha ironic right, I was afraid because I... I love you and that probably means nothing to you know but I'm sorry and if your willing to give me a chance to be your friend or maybe more than a friend I would truely apprec-"
I cut him off by kissing him. Everything he said sounded sincere and he wasn't the only feeling like this. I loved him too.
"So I'm taking that as a yes." He said smiling a bit.
"Yeah that's a yes." I said smiling.

I hope you like it, thank you so much for the request and if there's anything that you find didn't find that matched what you imagined, let me know and I'll be sure to change it.

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