sirius black

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request by kailee123d

There is was. That feeling, The same feeling i have felt before repeatedly. watching him with her, watching him laugh with her, walk with her and smile at her the same smile that ran chills up and down my body. I wish i was her, watching him slowly fall in love with her every god damn day, it ruined me.

I got sadder and sadder everyday but no one noticed besides Remus. while being Sirius' best friend he was also mine. I told him everything and he told me everything.

"y/n, are you ok?" Remus asks.
"I don't ... ugh I don't know." I say looking at Remus with tears starting to swell.
"It'll be ok." He says with a reassuring smile.
"I feel like I can't breath when I'm around him and I know he doesn't love me like I love him and I can't help but envy what he has with her and I know that as much as I want it to me, it never will be me and I need to get ov-" I said getting faster before Remus cut me off.
"How do you know that he doesn't love you? I mean he's never told you he doesn't." Remus said
"How do I know that he doesn't love me? Ok, look at the way he looks at her." I say, he looks up at the two of them. "Now answer this, do you ever see him look at me like that?" I ask my voice getting quieter. Remus looks down before looking back up at me and grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuringly.
i looked at him and noticed movement coming towards us. I looked up and saw Sirius coming towards us.
"Guys i think i'm in love." he said with a ginormous smile. Every ounce of hope in my body that he might ever love me back vanished. My smile slightly fell but I quickly put it back on.
"Are you ok?" Sirius asked looking at me with concern.
"Ah yeah I'm fine. I'm happy for you Sirius, listen I'm going to go my uh stomach hurts." I say coming up with an excuse on the spot which I'm pretty sure they saw right through.
"Oh um ok, feel better." Sirius says to which I just nod while walking away.
This truely is the worst day. When this whole crush thing started I tried to convince myself that I didn't like him but now here we are a year later and I'm madly in love with a guy who doesn't love me back.

Time skip

"You have to!" Remus shouted at me as we were walking to potions,
"I'm not and I will not." I say to him walking even further away.
"He has to know y/n, he might like you back you know." He says catching my arm and stopping me. I quickly turned my body around to face him with stern face.
"I will not tell Sirius how I feel about him." I say, Remus suddenly looked up and then looked back at me, he let go of my arm and quickly walked back the way we came. Confused was an understatement.
"How do you feel about?" I heard a voice ask but I didn't need to be told who it was, I already knew.
My body turned around quickly and I looked at him with wide eyes, my heart was beating so fast it might of come out of my chest.
"Sirius, how've you been?" I ask trying to get him off topic.
"How do you feel about me?" Sirius asks again with sternness in his voice.
"Sirius I-" I cut myself off by stopping. I knew that if I kept talking one of the two would happen,
One, I would start crying
Two, I would ruin our friendship
Or maybe even both. I looked up at Sirius with pleading eyes begging him to not make me tell him.
"Y/n how do you feel about me?" He repeated again "please just tell m-"
"I LOVE YOU!" I yell, the halls were empty as everyone had made it to class so no one heard me.
"I know.... I know that you don't love me. I know that it's not me, it's Marlene."
I say tears threatening to spill, Sirius looks at me now the one with pleading eyes.
"Its always been Marlene," I whisper.
"Y/n I love you but not in the way you want me to." Sirius says
"I know I just... can we at least stay friends?" I ask, our eyes meet and he stares at me for a moment before looking away.
"I know that it'll be awkward for a while but we'll get over it, right? I mean you can't let years of friendship down because of one simple mistake right?" I ask , he looks at me with a look of disbelief before answering.
"It wasn't a mistake, you can't help who you love. Yeah we can still be friends but don't ever say it was a mistake again, ok?" I slowly nod and a smile slowly starts on my face.
"Ok." I say, he smiles at me and brings me in for a hug rocking us back and forth.
"Ok, when did you start liking me?" He asks. I look up with a look of embarrassment.
"It's ok, just tell me." He says
"A year ago." I mumble
"A year ago." I state clearly. My face was as red as a tomato.
"Wow, I'm privileged." He says which I just look at him in confusion.
"You know, to have someone as pretty as you to fall in love with me."
"Don't be stupid." I say looking at him, my face some how getting redder.
"I'm not, look someone will love you the way I couldn't, but they will love you and you will love them. It will happen trust me." He says smiling hugging me again. I look up and smile at him.
I may not of gotten then boy but I'm sure as hell glad I didn't lose him.

A/n i hope you enjoyed it, the ending wasn't the best because I dint know how to end it, but I hope it was what you wanted 😊.
Also requests are still open if anyone wants any.

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