prologue strong oak

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The forest was dark at this time of night, with only the moon giving light to its beautiful view and landscape. I had been here for several days just wondering in search for a few hunters, who as rumor has it killed me can you believe that?  I was ready to show them how frigging undead I really was. also make them pay for saying they could kill me an all powerful immortal who could control anything. Also one in fact with the snap of her fingers make them evaporate into dust.  I could easily find them by just honing in on them but I prefer the hunt to just the kill. I travelled for many more days in search for traces of them but nothing; I came to a large oak tree.  At least half of the broad oak was dying, it was a shame its looked like it was a place of memory due to the heart scrapped into the tree that said J.C + N.H = love forever. I was touched that this was a place of love so I blew the tree a kiss, but not a normal one a kiss of life. Suddenly the tree looked stronger and healthier the branches groaned and reached for the sun trying desperately to keep its youthfulness. I knew the tree would live for another 200 years give or take. Suddenly I heard a soft yelp it was faint but distinct, one of a in dangered child. I ran as fast as I could toward the sound of need and discovered that sitting along side one of the many large brown roots that up rode from the earth sat a dying child. He looked very pale and had sea green eyes with blonde messed up hair his clothes were torn and ripped. Then it hit me like bullet coming at me 100 km an hour, blood and lots of it I looked down at the child’s leg there was a decent sized hole on it. Teeth marks where on his body and I mean everywhere, he was attacked by werewolves. shit that meant they were close and only left him here because I showed up smelling like a vampire, rouge or even a zombie, crap I hate my stench. I turned my focus back on the boy he was not unconscious I felt sorry for him; he shouldn’t die not now not like this I made my decision. I opened his mouth and cut my wrist on my retractable fangs allowing my perishes golden blood to settle in his mouth. I forced him to swallow at the least nine mouth full of my crimson blood.I waited for a few moment listening to the sound of his breathing and getting slower and slower suddenly his heart stopped. The blood had killed him, I destroyed the life of an innocent child. I sat there with my hand on his face telling his soul to return to his body so he may live again. I sat there nothing I was about to leave when i heard a faint bump bump bum bump he was living again. I ran back to his side, my eyes and heart filled with glee I waited a few moments for his to finally become fully conscious, the blood was making him stronger faster smarter and all around powerful.He opened his eyes. I wiped the drips of blood that mist his mouth with my sleeve I stared into his eyes knowing he was a werewolf, it was as plain as the blue skies or the tattoo of his pack on his neck.  I helped him up and we both stood there in silence. He tried to speak but I put my finger to his lips and said in a soft tone.

“shh my little pup, you will be OK. Shh don’t worry your leg is healed so is the bite marks and your ribs have been healed.” He looked up at me with thanks I felt a warm spark ignite within my chest. One that I had not felt in years, it was odd that a situation could make me feel this way. He collapsed into my lap I started to stroke his blonde hair and sing a lullaby that was as old as me.

 my sweet little darling, soar high above the sky”

“ in search for the dreams that made the eagles fly”

“sleep my darling in soft white mist”

“and think of your true loves first silky kiss”

" you are the roaring river the scaling mountains you are untamed."

"so when the whispering wind cries your  glorious name."

“dream that you my darling, will soar high above  the sky.”

“Now I my sweet must say my final good bye”

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