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"This won't happen quickly," Ben told Maleficent and Hades. "But it'll definitely fast-pace our plans to rehabilitate the villains. You two will have to take the test, just to be fair."

"Of course," Maleficent nodded.

"Is there anything we can help with in the meantime?" Hades asked.

"Well..." Ben trailed off, unsure if they'd be interested. "Since Mal, Evie, Uma, Audrey and Harriet are all so close together in due dates, they want to do a gender reveal party. Problem is, they all want it in their own personal colors. Think you could mediate it?"

"Absolutely," the two villains said in unison, smiling.

"Thank you," he breathed in relief. "Being king, these kinds of disputes aren't really at the top of my list to settle. Mal would kill me if I didn't prioritize her right now, but she should be fine if it's you two sorting this out. Speaking of, thank you for getting along better. It's really helped take the stress off of Mal."

"I'd do anything for my little girl," Hades smiled uneasily, seeming a little nervous.


The girls were arguing in the Coronation Hall.

"Well, we have to pick one colour theme!" Audrey exclaimed. "We can't have a gender reveal that's a mess of colours!"

"And the party is only a week away," Jane stressed. She'd been pulling her hair out for days over this, because the girls weren't giving her the color scheme. "I need to know, guys," she stated.

"I have an idea, girls," Maleficent said, striding into the hall. "Why don't we use all of your colors?"

"Mom, that's just--"

"Brilliant!" Evie said, cutting Mal off. "Kind of like a carnival, or a market, right? How they have different stalls. This could work."

"How?" Uma asked, confused but overall unbothered by their 'issue'.

"We set tables up for each of you girls," Maleficent answered. "Each table can have the favored foods and gender predictions for that couple."

"That's actually pretty--"

"Brilliant!" Evie exclaimed again.

"Evie!" Mal complained, getting annoyed by her best friend cutting her off.

"Sorry," the blue-haired girl apologized meekly.

"Is that agreed on by all of you?" Jane asked, silently hoping that this was it, and everyone nodded. "Awesome. I'm going order in the decorations... with express shipping..." She trailed out of the hall, stressed as ever, waiting for the day that she would graduate and not be in charge of planning all the school's celebrations.


The day had finally arrived. The gender reveal party. The Coronation Hall was decorated with blue and gold streamers all across the ceiling, with a feature running down the wall for each table. Ben and Mal's theme was green or purple. Doug and Evie's was sky blue or red. Audrey and Chad had baby blue or baby pink. Uma and Harry had a green or blue theme. Harriet and Gil's theme was black or red.

As bets were taken and points were tallied, it was most predicted Mal and Ben were having a boy, Evie and Doug were having both, Audrey and Chad were having a girl, Uma and Harry were having a girl and Harriet and Gil were having a girl.

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