Jihoon x Chanhyun

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🦇 Last name : Ong
First name : Jihoon
Age : 21 years old
Race : Devil
Status : Alpha
Hair : Black
Eyes : Orange
Some info : - A ruby tailed devil.
- One of the strongest warriors. Is often found on Earth or at the limit between the two races' territories.
- Often teased for his height. The teasing stop as soon as he glares at them.
- Often called to separate fighting devils.
- Is actually respected for his hard working nature. He is often told to take breaks since he never truely stop working.
- Secretly a softie.
- Loves people shorter than him because he can pat their heads.

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🕊️ Last name : Park
First name : Chanhyun
Age : 20 years old
Race : Angel
Status : Omega
Hair : White
Eyes : Blue
Some infos : - An angel with a moonstone colored halo.
- A Messenger between Devils and Angels.
- People never know where he is. As a Messenger he does things fast and he is always hidden after his duties.
- Because of his status other angels give him their works to do, which he can neve say no to.
- Always teased because of his pale figure and often has his halo hidden by others which unable him to do his duties.
- Actually one of the best cooks, sometimes sneak some goodies for angels he likes.

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Again, three Lee. He is Lee Jihoon, member of the group SEVENTEEN. He's actually short compared to the other members but he's taller than me. *cries in short*

And that's all for now, all three couples will be there for the story. 💫

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