🦇 16}

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Loneliness crept into his mind as he understood that the two friendly Angels had jumped and left him behind. Of course he wanted to join them but how could he ? No Devil or Angel in their right mind would join him. Nathan sat on the roof of his home, legs swinging, as he watched Devils run around trying to calm the chaos. His mismatched eyes were looking at them, pitiful as they were. He knew it would happen, after all his friend did warn him. His thoughts were going to a specific Guardian, he was probably overwhelmed by the chaos created.
Maybe, just maybe, he would join Nathan ? He shook the thought away. That Guardian was almost married to his job, there was no way he'd join the small Devil, right ? It wouldn't hurt to ask, he thought. Yet thinking about crossing the border was something he feared, cutting his own wings was another. The only positive note was he was going to see his friend again, maybe be friend with the others, he sure hoped he would. He couldn't stand the loneliness anymore. He jumped down and entered his home, ready to pack the little belongings he had.

Meanwhile, far away, below the dark clouds of chaos ragging on the land of Devils and Angels, a man woke up. A freshly bonded Alpha, arms curled around the smaller frame of the Omega - his Omega - pressed against him. He woke up feeling relaxed and relieved, they had done it. Maybe that female Alpha wasn't that crazy after all, Minhyuk knew he had to thank her later. Thirsty as he was, he didn't want to move and accidentally wake up his mate, he made sure to enjoy that peaceful moment as much as he could. He realized how lucky he was.
It took them a few weeks for them to adjust to a life without wings, though it took a while for the pain to fade. As grateful as they were for Sena's and Cho-Hee's help, they wanted their own house so they started to look for jobs. They weren't quite sure of what they could or couldn't do but they wanted to do something nice for them as well. Before they knew it, they fell into a routine. Everything seemed well, tiredness sometimes darkening their faces yet they were happy. Until Minhyuk saw how pale (M/n) had become.

In their routine they often found Sena hugging her wife from behind, arms around the baby bump, softness painted over her usual scowl of a tired day at work. Minhyuk always saw how soft the Omegas looked when they saw it, sometimes a brief longing flashed in their eyes, gone as soon as it had come. The red haired Alpha wanted to talk to (M/n) about it. After all, they were safe and had built their own home, it could welcome a new being. Upon Chanhyun's request they had bought a house big enough to welcome the six of them and more.
It was upon another friendly visit to Sena and Cho-Hee that the Omegas were given some news that they refused to share with the Alphas. Though they never missed an opportunity to claim that (M/n) was perfectly fine despite the numerous trips to the bathroom where he could be heard vomiting. (M/n) was often chuckling whenever Minhyuk looked concerned, always telling him he was alright and that it will get better. It never eased the Alpha, he didn't understand what it could be. Oblivious as he was, he never noticed how (M/n)'s hand often rested on his belly.

Jihoon found his friend to be ridiculous. He often came home only to find Minhyuk pacing in the living room, muttering about how worried he was. It didn't mean that he wasn't curious himself, he did try to ask Chanhyun once. The only answer he got was "You will find out soon enough." so he gave up, he knew he wasn't going to get any answers until they were ready to tell. Even Sena looked amused by Minhyuk's behavior when she saw him, she often told him he looked ridiculous.
Cho-Hee often told that Seba was also that ridiculous but never said anything about the circumstances of that behavior. Jihoon did see Cho-Hee share a look with (M/n) and Chanhyun when she said it. The black haired Alpha waited for them to be back home to ask the white haired Omega again. "Just wait for Minhyuk's birthday, (M/n) will say it then." Only a week of wait before he could know and finally get Minhyuk's behavior to stop. He sighed of relief as he watched the short boy smile softly. "It's a happy event." was all he said.

At the same time, a small Devil was helping an overwhelmed Angel to get rid of his wings. His own were already torn off his back, limply resting on the floor as blood was flowing down his back. The Angel had his hands curled into fists as he tried to bare with the pain blooming in his back as the blade cut through his wings. The Devil had found a small hiding place close to the gates so they knew they would be able to run and make the jump quite easily. They knew that another problem would appear once they jumped.
Nathan knew everyone else had jumped but he didn't know where they landed, didn't know how to find them. It was a matter of time for them to make the jump and be free, yet he found himself scared. The Devil knew there was no turning back but it didn't ease the fear that kept creeping up his mind. The small Devil almost forgot that he wasn't doing it alone. Being with someone would definitely help him but he wondered if he was brave enough to actually jump. They had cleaned up as much as they could before joining their hands and started running. The moment his feet left the ground, Nathan felt no regrets, only hope.

- - -
Hi, hello, heya.

Yes I am alive. I'm sorry it took so long but it's here.

There's only the Epilogue left now. One more chapter and it's the end of this story. It's kind of sad, really. But it has to be done.


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