🕊️ 9}

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The loud sound of the alarm rang not only in the forest but also in the Hunter's dorms, both Devils and Angels. As soon as the signal was sent and the other specie told the other they spotted the intruders, the Guardians were alerted. The Guardians in charge were told both a Devil and an Angel were spotted together, they were asked to identify them with the little details they had gotten. Which weren't much. The Devil was said to have red hair, they weren't able to see their eyes. As for the Angel, only the (h/c) was seen.
Guardians weren't made to remember everyone so none of them could tell who they were, except two. A black haired Guardian who was wondering why he was friend with the Devil and a white haired Guardian who remembered a Messenger talk about the Angel. When they let the Guardians seek information about the two the Devil decided to let his friend deal with it while the Angel flew straight to the cabin made for the Messengers. He stormed in, slamming the door open making the few Messengers jump, only his grey eyes met the pale blue orbs of the familiar Messenger who stood to meet the Guardian.

The tall Guardian took the small Messenger out of the cabin, away from any who had the idea of listening to them. The Messenger didn't have time to take his notebook, he didn't really know what to do with his hands but he knew better than anger an Alpha. When he saw the anger crawl into the grey eyes of the Guardian he could only guess something went wrong with the Devil and Heart he helped. As he was close to the Guardian he did speak of the Heart in kind words so maybe the Alpha figured it out and he was in trouble.
The Guardian did notice the worrying gears working over the pale Messenger, of course his anger wasn't turned towards said Messenger but he knew he had something to do with it or at least knew something. He sighed, his anger slowly leaving as he let the Messenger have a bit of space. Yet he kept his face stoic, he knew he had a soft spot for the Messenger but he couldn't let that soft spots how when he needed answers. So he asked.

"You knew, didn't you ?"
He heard a sigh before he heard a soft reply. "I only knew they were going to meet, not where..."
"Who were they ?"
He shook his head and took a step back. He couldn't tell. "You know I can't say."
"I'm not asking as friend here, I'm asking as Guardian who was alerted of intruders."
"Still !"
"Park Chanhyun, I won't ask again."
The Messenger flinched at his name. The Guardian only used his name when he was serious or angry, it was his way of saying 'I'm not kidding and I will get my answer'. The Messenger only apologized mentally to the couple, he knew if he refused to tell he'll have his wings cut off and thrown on Earth.
"...Devil Young and Heart (L/n)..."
The Messenger refused to look at the Guardian, he was supposed to be kind but at the moment he was everything but kind. He wasn't the Taemin he knew, the Taemin standing in front of him was an Alpha driven by anger, definitely not the kind Alpha who accepted him with his weird looks. The Messenger could only watch the Guardian fly away, feathers stiffened and shoulders tight in anger. The small boy only prayed for the Devil's and the Heart's safety.

The words from the Messenger kept running in his head. Of all people, of all Devils and Angels, it had to be these two. The so called ruthless Devil in charge and the purest Heart. The complete opposite, yet opposite attract doesn't it ? The white haired Guardian kept cursing the whole time, his anger rising as he got closer to the Devil's house. Of all Angels he had to steal the purest. He may not know the Heart personnaly nor know why Chanhyun helped him with that damned Devil but he will not let it happen. Whatever it is they have is cursed, unholy, forbidden. Taemin was sure the Devil did something to the Heart, there was no way the Heart willingly went to the Devil. Angels knew they couldn't get associated with Devils, they were known - still known - to be rotten to the core. He wasn't going to let that Devil corrupt the Heart, not if he can help it.
He landed, unable to retract his wings as he was controlled by his fury. He didn't bother to try and answer the curious Devils who didn't catch the signs of an Angel driven by fury.
Once he found the Devil's house, he didn't bother knocking either, he slammed the door open. If he thought he was angry before, the sight he was greeted with was like throwing a lit match into gasoline, he felt the fury burn inside his veins. How dare the Devil lay his hands on an Angel, a Heart at that ?

He barely registered the Devil standing in front of the Heart, in a protective stance, before the Guardian shoved the Devil aside, a loud crash following the action. He grabbed the Heart by the waist, made sure to curse at the injured Devil before taking off, the Heart struggling in his arms.
The Guardian dropped the Heart at his dorm and demanded for him to be locked and to give him the key afterwards. If no one was going to punish the Devil, then he was going to do it himself. What he did not expect, nor knew about, was that a certain Messenger was waiting for the Heart to come back. The (e/c) filled with tears opened in surprise when the Heart saw the Messenger standing there, key in hand, a small hand movement to tell the Heart to sit down was all he got.
"You shouldn't do that." The Heart startled, the Messenger wasn't supposed to talk.
"I'm not doing anything wrong !"
"I know, after all I did help you." A small smile slipped into the Messenger's face. "Wanna go back to your Devil ?"

- - -
Hi, hello, heya.

I'm not dead !
I just never know what day we are which is why I missed another update...
But ! I'm here, free of homeworks, spending too much time on Animal Crossing New Horizons but here !

Anyway, like I said before, I'll try to catch up a bit on the missing updates but no promises.

So I hope you liked it, stay safe and see y'all next update 🐍

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