🦇 14}

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There was something the Elders never noticed. Sometimes in reports of Minds and Hearts, the ones who went down wrote that the person they guided could see them if only briefly. They payed no mind to it. Much like the creation of Devils and Angels, never thought of it for long until they needed more of them because too many had been thrown on Earth. Some Devils and Angels were born humans. It was the Elders who gave the human child two items. A fake halo and a fake ring. The child would choose and it would seal their fate.
Sometimes the child didn't choose at all and remained human. Yet if the child did choose, the Elders would take away the child and all memories of said child from the parents. To erase their existence as humans. Yet another thing Elders knew nothing about was human children thrown down on Earth were special cases. The former humans weren't going to forget who they were, weren't going to forget they were Devils and Angels. They also knew who were former Devils and Angels, they had a sort of familiar sensation when they met others like themselves. Much like that girl did.

When Jihoon woke up, he was confused to say the least. He knew he dropped from above but he didn't know exactly where he was. Though it was the last concern on his mind, he recognized Minhuyk and knew he was successful. In turn Minhuyk smiled at his friend, gesturing at (M/n) who was still fast asleep in his lap. Panic was quick to settle when he saw it was only the three of them. The red haired man looked at him in confusion. He took a moment to calm himself before telling Minhyuk what he - no, they - had done.
Dread quickly settled at the thought of one of them being found by ruthless humans, they knew not all of them were but it didn't leave their minds. But they knew they had to find somewhere to stay before doing anything else. As lost as they were, they were determined to build their own life. They knew they'd never forget what they did before, maybe have nightmares about it, but they knew that if they stayed together they should be able to start a life and maybe have their own families.

Meanwhile the girl was sitting in her living room, across the white haired boy she found. She listened to her instincts, she did scare the boy for a moment when she asked if he was an Angel before she showed her own cuts on her back. In exchange of his story, she told hers. She smiled as she told about her bond with her wife which made the boy react. That's when she heard that two of his friends were bonded and lost somewhere. It brought panic in her mind so she stood up, grab his arm and ran out of her house. Claiming they had to be found as soon as possible.
So that's what they did. She asked him if he remembered anything when they jumped down, any landscape or places in particular they had thought about. All he remembered was a river. She knew there was one not too far away, if they ran fast enough they would have the chance to get there before night and maybe, have the chance to meet them halfway there. At least she hoped. As a bonded she knew the side effects of it if it was left alone for too long and none of them were good.

Minhuyk knew they wouldn't make it before night, the three of them were exhausted. They weren't used to walk that much nor for so long. He saw that Jihoon seems better than Minhuyk felt and how (M/n) looked. The Omega seemed ready to pass out. Not too long ago the Devil felt him leaning heavily against him, he had to keep an arm around (M/n) to keep him steady. It was strange since (M/n) didn't have any heat symptoms. It made Minhuyk worry, though he didn't feel that much better. The red haired Alpha felt drained.
Jihoon had made - forced really - them rest. They kept quiet, the black haired Alpha looking around as if something was coming. And it did. Not something but someone. He saw a tall girl, running in their direction, closer and closer to them. She stopped a few steps away from Jihoon, her eyes fell on Minhuyk and (M/n). Minhuyk didn't hear her come close but tense and snarled at her. He stood up, hiding (M/n) behind him, ready to fight if needed. Which in result made her take a defensive stance, a snarl ready to leave her lips.

"Sena !" The voice made her stop and turn around, walking away from the three to catch the young boy before he fell. As she caught the boy in her arms, she didn't see the three froze at the familiar voice. "Sorry, forgot your short legs couldn't catch up." She said, laughing as he was catching his breath. "Is it them ?" A nod. She turned back towards the couple, sadness swimming in her bright golden eyes. "The bond is already hurting them. Do you think you can move?" The question was directed towards the red haired Devil and the (h/c) haired Heart.
They nodded weakly, the exhaustion painted on their faces. Meanwhile Jihoon was staring at the still panting Omega who met his gaze, a small smile on his lips. The black haired Alpha came closer and embraced the short boy. Sena's attention was now on them, a knowing smirk on her face. "It's cute and all, but we better move quickly, for your friends' sake." it made them snap away from the other, faces red which made the couple and the woman laugh. With a bit of help from Sena they were on their way. It made them realize how close they had been to the city. As soon as they got to Sena's house, Minhyuk and (M/n) were shoved into a room and locked in.

"Take this advice from a bonded Alpha, you won't get better until you truly consume your bond."

- - -
Hi, hello, heya.

Sorry it took so long but it's here.

If everything goes well, only two chapters are left. We are really close to the end now. Of course smut will be there as promised.

Fun fact, I was going to make this story really angsty and have a really bad end. But then people said yes for mpreg and I couldn't bring myself to make it turn bad.

Anyway hope you liked it, see you. Soon. Maybe. 🐍

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