🕊️ 13}

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All he could remember was pain in his back and the angry shouts of his lover. After that, it was all black and the feeling of falling. He slowly came to, vision blurry and his body feeling heavy, sore. He didn't recognize his surroundings, all he knew was they weren't in their house. As his vision cleared up, he slowly took a look around. A small river stood not far from them, surrounded by trees, the icy wind making the leaves swing as it went, some went flying and softly landed on the clear water, following the river wherever it went.
Next to him was Minhyuk, deep in thought, who didn't notice his lover was awake until he reached for his hand. His eyes snapped open, body tensing as soon as he felt a hand on his. (M/n) watched as his shoulders dropped when Minhyuk saw it was only him. The Omega soon found himself embraced, arms carefully avoiding where his wings were. (M/n) instantly felt safe, relieved to be in the arms of his lover, relieved to see him safe and sound. Words of apologies and comfort fell from the red haired man's lips as he held (M/n).

Meanwhile beyond the clouds, a small figure was running, ignoring the cuts made by the trees on his pale skin. He only had time to tell his friend of what he did before Hunters got alerted of a tresspasser. He almost collapsed, legs shaking, gasping for air once he reached the back door of the Guardian's dorm where the Devil was waiting for him. His back was burning as he didn't let the cuts heal before dressing in the much larger clothes the Devil provided for him. The black haired Alpha was waiting for him, a hand held out for him to take once he was ready.
Taking that hand, much like cutting of their own wings, meant no turning back. They were going to run past the Sentries and drop down to Earth. So they did. Hand in hand, they ran as fast as they could, ran past the angry Sentries who were yelling at them to stop. They merely gave a last glance behind them before they jumped. The jump between realms made them black out, their bodies loosing strength and their hands let go of the other's. One fell somewhere in a busy city, the other in a familiar river.

The couple jumped at the sound of something - or was it someone - falling in the river. At first they thought it was an animal of the realm but on a second thought, animals of this realms were not the type to fall from the sky, unless they were injured. (M/n) watched as Minhyuk suddenly ran towards the river, a sudden look of recognition was seen before he ran. Unlike the red haired Devil - now simply man - the former angel stood up and walked towards the river slowly, wary. Yet once he saw who feel from the sky, he ran.
Dropping to his knees to check for a pulse and try to warm up the unconscious man. Luckily during the fall he didn't hurt his head (M/n) noted. Once they had made sure the man was going to survive they leaned onto the other in relief, though the former Heart noticed the frown on his Alpha's face to which he rose an eyebrow in question.
"He did the same thing we did, you know ?" Minhyuk said softly as if he were to speak louder his friend would wake up. (M/n) stayed silent and buried his face into Minhyuk's shoulder.

Meanwhile, farther away from the river stood a busy city. It was buzzing with life, fast footsteps were always heard, cars driving by joining in, sometimes the rain falling down joined the usual ruckus. A girl stood there, patiently waiting for the light to turn green for her when she saw a ball of light falling down gently, much like a feather cradled by the wind, hiding behind a familiar building. She recognized it as the place she went to get her job, nostalgia hit her as she saw yet another car pass by.
Today she wasn't in a rush nor had anything special to do so she followed the light. She was surprised to see someone there when she turned the corner. Seeing the boy she was reminded of the man she saw that fateful day. She carefully checked the boy's pulse, made sure he wasn't running a fever and put her jacket on his shoulders as she saw him shiver. She never told anyone that she saw an Angel that day, never told she could see them. She didn't know if the boy knew that one Angel who helped her in the past but she was willing to try knowing about them.

Back above the clouds sat a stressed out Guardian. His white hair falling into his eyes as he lowered his head in frustration. Lossing the Devil in charge had caused quite a mess, following by the loss of the purest Heart made it even worse. People were getting rebellious. While they made their own noise, some noticed one of the Devil Guardians running with an Angel Messenger, seeing them both wingless, seeing them jump. This had cause a major commotion, the Elders tried to calm the people yet it was close to impossible. Four people were forever lost on Earth.
As soon as they felt the former Guardian and the former Messenger touch Earth, they tried to find them in their records as humans yet found nothing. It was as if anyone thrown down on Earth were erased, forgotten by all, never to be remembered. Some of the Elders had turned a blind eye on the dissapearences but now that it involved people who were in high positions, it threw them off. They realized how many young Devils and Angels alike were forgotten after being thrown down on Earth wingless. They also realized something much more important. Once thrown on Earth the individual was slowly forgetting who they once were, they forgot they were Angels and Devils, becoming Alphas and Omegas with no memories of their former self.

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Hi, hello, heya.

I feel like I was being mean in this chapter, maybe I was ?
Don't worry I haven't forgotten about the bond, it'll be there soon. Aka smut is coming aight.

Anyway hope you liked and see y'all next update. 🐍

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