🦇 2}

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It started as a beautiful day, sun high in the sky, no trace of incoming clouds leaving the blue sky free of any white clouds, a soft wind joined them occasionally. It soon changed into a menacing sky, no sun in sight, the clouds coming in and becoming menacing, rain started to pour violently and the wind picked up in speed and there he stood. He stood there, feet still covered in sand, his clothes sticking to his body because of how wet they had gotten. His friends seemed to have forgotten they even had plans with him, making him feel abandoned. Did they forget what day it was ? Surely friends didn't forget about one's birthday... right ? Yet, he was still waiting, hoping to see one of them. Whenever he saw a car pass by he had the hope of it being one of his friends but it never was any of them. He still waited for them to show up and pick him up as he sent them a message yet none of them answered. He decided to move, it wasn't worth it to wait for them as it seemed none of them would show up. By the time he got home, he had messages asking him where he was. Everything around froze and he heard them.
His Heart told him to answer them truthfully, to be honest with them, at least someone would be.
His Mind told him to ignore them, like they did to him, after all they deserved it.
He did want to be honest with them because he felt hurt and abandoned on his special day but at the same time he didn't want to talk to them, they didn't answer him when he needed it so why would he answer them ? In the end he threw his phone of his desk and left it there. They ignored him then so was he. In the end he never answered, never talked to them, avoided them at all cost. That day his friends were planning a party for him and couldn't answer him as they wanted everything to be ready before they met him. That day he lost all his friends because he decided to make them feel what he felt, from there on he was always alone.

The Mind didn't bother hidding the smirk on her face as she saw the Heart crushed, it didn't end well for the Human and the Mind was just so happy to have won this time, surely the Devil on duty would praise her. Meanwhile the Heart was absolutely crushed, tears rolling down his face as he tried not to make any noise as he cried. It wasn't fair, the Human lost everything just because he wanted a little revenge yet he never tried to understand what his friends were doing. The Mind felt hands on her shoulders as she watched the Heart cry, she turned her head and met pink eyes tingling with happiness. The Devil in charge was there, apparently he watched it all and couldn't be happier with how it turned out. He called over the Heart, who was still crying, and told him they had to go back, which they did. The three flew back, wings disappearing when they touched the ground. The Heart was quick to get away, still tears in his eyes, while the Mind took her ring off and happily went back to make her report.

The Devil in charge didn't follow her, she'll find him later when she'll be done with her report. He sighed, it wasn't really fair for the Human, he didn't like how it ended but it was their duty as Devils to make them stray from the path of happiness which didn't really sit well with Minkyuk. He thought that everyone deserved happiness and having a second chance to achieve said happiness was a must, apparently Humans didn't think the same. Minkyuk would never admit it but it hurted to watch Humans dying or ended him all alone because of their decisions. If anyone caught wind of the Alpha being soft for Humans it wouldn't end well for him. Surely one day he'll find someone who could understand him, even if said person is a Human or an Angel. As long as he was understood it didn't matter who it was.

Minkyuk was so lost in his thoughts he didn't realize he was in his office until he accidentally bumped his leg against the table. A few curses came out when the pain came but it soon stopped when he heard a knock. "Devil Young ? I'm here to give you my report." It was the young Mind he fetched earlier. He sat in his chair, his bad straight, a smirk on his face as he told her to come in. She did, a happy smile on her face as she gave her report and explained what happened before he arrived, which he was grateful for but made him feel even worse. However his position and smirk didn't change the slightest. He praised the Mind and sent her on her way. As soon as she left, he felt utterly exhausted, keeping apparences wasn't really easy. As soon as he finished his own paper work and checking on every Mind on duty for the day, he made a quick list of those to send the day after and left his office.

Minkyuk definitely needed to relax. He wasn't really fond of playing but seeing the young Devils play like nothing went wrong was soothing yet it felt strange. Minkyuk couldn't really explain was it was, pity maybe ? As the Devil in charge, Minkyuk had seen a lot of bad outcomes for Humans, he never liked any of them. The red Devil often found himself wondering why he was a Devil. Maybe it was for his talents to trick others and keep a mask on everyday ? Minkyuk had enough to hear some Elders, Angels, Hearts and Humans saying how bad Devils were. Not all of them were.
One day surely they would understand that some Devils weren't made to be Devils.
Maybe one day they'll understand his struggle.
Minkyuk could only hope for that day to arrive.

- - -
Hi, hello, heya.

This chapter is late and I apologize for that.
My dad dragged me for some shopping and we stayed like 6 or 7 hours out, it was exhausting...

1k words is hard... But it's fun.

Anyway, hope you liked it and see y'all next week 🐍

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