🦇 6}

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The way the Medics had looked at him made him realize he must have looked like a monster to them. He wasn't. He couldn't be. But the look in their eyes made him think. Maybe, just maybe, he was one.
He was different after all. He wasn't born from two Devils but a Devil and an Angel. Jihoon told him it was what made him somewhat human. And Minhyuk believed it. Still do. What if his mixed blood had reacted to the Heart ? Binding them forever because his blood was half of an Angel.
It sounded crazy yet somewhat acceptable.
Minhyuk immediately froze at their gaze, slowly falling back into the bed. He heard the Medics breath of relief and went back to their tasks. He laid in bed for the longest time, still feeling his skin heat up from time to time. It wasn't as bad as before, it was still uncomfortable. The Devil fell asleep soon after, he slept peacefully, dreaming of a certain Heart.

When Minhyuk woke up, he felt fine. Strangely so. It felt like nothing happened, he was confused as were the Medics. It wasn't normal but when the Medics checked him, they found nothing wrong with the Devil. As confused as they were, they weren't allowed to keep him there since he was perfectly fine so they let him go. So he went, still confused.
He fell back into his routine quite quickly, whenever he took a break the Heart's face would come back into his mind so he tried to work all the time in hopes to forget. It never happened.
Instead of trying to work, Minhyuk looked for Jihoon. After all the Guardian had more knowledge about this kind of thing than Minhyuk, he was lucky his friend was a bookworm.
Looking for said friend wasn't an easy task. Most of the Devils had black hair and his friend wasn't particularly tall so finding him was hard, extremely so. Lucky had been on Minhyuk's side, or so he thought. He found the Guardian standing next to a Messenger, seeing said Messenger made him stop in his tracks. A Cursed Angel. He flew closer yet carefully, Minhyuk didn't care if the Messenger was a Cursed Angel but the boy looked ready to take off and fly away at the slightest movement from Jihoon.

As soon as the Messenger was done with his task, he was gone. Minhyuk finally approached Jihoon, keeping his wings out just in case he was called for an emergency. Devils loved to call the red haired Devil for everything and nothing. The Guardian had noticed the Devil's shadow and sighed quite loudly, apparently the former was not in a good mood. Or at least he didn't want to deal with anything else frustrating, as frustrating as the content of the letter that is, Minhyuk didn't know if he should ask or not. The black haired devil sighed before turning to face Minhyuk and made a gesture, Minhyuk's signal to start talking. So he did. Everything from his meeting with the Heart to his Rut and his thoughts, except the dirty ones, he knew Jihoon would hit him if he spoke of those.
Orange eyes watched him, almost insulting him of being stupid and dense. Maybe he was, dense that was. Minhyuk was far from stupid, that's what he told himself that is. He only heard the Guardian sigh. "You did, bond, that is."
"It was absolutely reckless Minhyuk, now the both of you have to meet proprely and seal the bond. Unless you want to die."
Minhyuk frown. "It's not like I wanted that to happen..." He felt Jihoon's hand on his shoulder and squeeze in a reassuring manner.
"Unconsciously you've always wanted someone to understand you, the real you. That Heart may be that someone."
Did he ? He felt lonely sure, he wanted someone by his side sure, but someone to understand who he really is ? The thought frightened Minhyuk. Jihoon must have felt his fear, he only squeezed again, his face twisted in concern. What he great friend he had. The Guardian left him to think about the situation. "And the Messenger was looking for you." Was all he said before he flew away.

Now that was new. Usually he only received letters from a Devil Messenger, never an Angel one. Maybe it was the Heart reaching out to Minhyuk, he smiled at the thought. And froze. The Heart knew who he was. To say the Devil freaked out was an understanding, he avoided Messengers for hours until the next day. He went out to check on the Minds, but when he opened the door the Cursed Angel stood there. Before anything could happen, Minhyuk closed the door.
It had to be a dream - a nightmare - there was no way the Messenger was there. He opened the door again, the Messenger was still there. Missing Halo, worn-out black clothes, notebook under his arm and a note in his hand. The Messenger only gestured for Minhyuk to take the note, which he did. He was still confused.
'Mister Heart asked me to send it your way.' He wrote.
"Heart you say... With (h/c) and (e/c) ?"
'That one, yes.'
Minhyuk frown at the note. So the Heart did send him a note, happiness slowly crept into his heart at the thought. His frown eased into a smile but he froze. "How did he know about me ?"
'He didn't. Mister Heart only gave a description of Mister Devil.'
He sighed in relief. "I suppose he didn't give any name himself."
'Said he'd rather not say. Hence the Heart. Is Mister Devil displeased ?'
"Rather dissappointed... And quit calling me that, makes me feel old. Just Minhyuk."
'Roger that. Just Minhyuk. Any note you'd like to leave to Mister Heart ?'
Minhyuk laughed, he didn't expect the Messenger to be like that. It changed from the usual frowns and glares. The Messenger handed him a paper and pen, waiting for the note. Once Minhyuk was done, he gave it all back, he just kept the Heart's note.
'Shall it be signed Just Minhyuk or Devil in charge ?'
Minhyuk did want to exchange names but if the Heart didn't want to give it away, then he wasn't going to give his away either.
"Devil will do."
At that the Messenger bowed and flew back to the Angel's territory, leaving Minhyuk blushing and smiling at the note.

- - -
Hi, hello, heya.

Messenger did his job, now will Minhyuk meet (M/n) soon ? Maybe. Maybe not.

Also if ya got time, I released an A/N for my new story : A scale for love. Go check it out ~

Anyway I hope you liked it and see y'all next week 🐍

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