🦇 12}

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It became a routine to see Minhyuk and (M/n) going to the other's territory, yet it didn't stop the stares and glares they got. Most of them thought it was unfair for them to see each other after the trouble they caused, even if the Elders said that bond like this were rare. It made the glares darker, the whispers more present than ever. Minhyuk and (M/n) often hid whenever they went to meet the other, they couldn't handle the glares and whispers. More often than not, they would talk about giving up their wings yet couldn't bear to leave the very few people who cares for them.
They also felt extremely threatened. They would see some Devils walking around, sharp knife in hand. Even if the Medics wanted to keep an eye on the couple, it was impossible for them to do so since they were slowly giving up staying in the Devil territory. With the help of some kind Hunters, they found a small house between territories. They had their own bubble yet they didn't feel any less threatened. The both of them were wary, they had every right to be.

It all came to an end soon after Jihoon's last visit, which was merely two days ago. Minhyuk had finally calmed (M/n) down after he panicked because of the sound of footsteps outside their house. Both were exhausted, they passed out soon after. It was then that their world came crashing down on them. They were awaken when they were separated, Devils had come into their house, a very familiar knife in their hands. A knife Minhyuk had wished to never see again, after all the blood it had spilled. Now it came after his blood. Yet it was (M/n)'s that spilled first.
The Devils held them much like they held anyone who had their wings cut of by Minhyuk. Except this time, Minhyuk didn't have the knife in hand, he wasn't playing the role of the perfect Devil. He was cursing every Devil who dared come into his home, into their bedroom, who dared to touch his lover. The red haired Devil didn't care much about what could happen to him, but if anything happened to his Heart ? That was another story. Minhyuk probably hurted his back even more in his struggle but he couldn't bear to watch the Devils tear the beautiful wings that had once been white, now bathed in blood, from the back of his lover.

It didn't take much longer for them to get rid of Minhyuk's wings as well. Meanwhile they had stolen (M/n)'s halo and took away Minhyuk's ring when he was focused on the Angel. They were left on the floor of their house, blood dripping from the wounds where on stood their wings, both too weak to even reached out for the other's hand, too weak to speak. It was the last time they were seen.
The first person who knew something happened was Jihoon. The Guardian was always handed notes written by Minhyuk about anything and everything, so when the notes stopped coming he knew something was up. The Messenger, a Devil, didn't bother answering him. He knew if it had been the white haired Messenger, he would at least get a small answer. Jihoon soon found himself at the small house which was quiet, door left slightly opened, the smell of drying blood surrounding the house. The black haired Guardian went inside the house and froze as soon as he stepped inside. The floor was painted with blood, two pairs of wings were left on the floor along with a broken ruby ring and a broken moonstone halo.

Jihoon felt his heart shatter at the sight. Minhyuk, his only friend, was gone and possibly dead. He didn't know how long he stood there, a hand on his arm made him jump. His orange eyes met pale blue ones. Jihoon saw the worry painted on the Messenger's face. The Devil gently took off the small hand on his arm and brought the Messenger into a hug, making sure to keep the Omega's face away from the scene.
"Guardian Ong ? Is everything alright ?" Jihoon almost laughed at the obvious confusion in the Omega's voice.
"I need you to go to the Elders and bring them here."
"What for ?" For once the Guardian was glad that Messengers couldn't smell that well, he just wasn't ready to tell.
"Just go and get them will you ?" He merely got a confused nod before the Messenger took off. The Guardian was glad he was somewhat friend with the Messenger, while he had Minhyuk it was lonely whenever they were separated by duties. Well now they won't have to worry about duties. The black haired Devil may never admit it but he was glad Minhyuk wasn't a Devil anymore.

Half an hour later, the small Messenger arrived, two Elders - a Devil and an Angel - following closely. Once again the Alpha made sure the Omega wasn't able to see the scene, which made the Messenger even more confused, and nodded towards the house. Leaving the Elders to tell the tale and hopefully bring some good news. It didn't take long for the Elders to know what happened, they had good and bad news after closer inspection. "Which do you want first Guardian ?"
"The bad one."
"It was the Devil in charge's blade that was used to tear the wings, therefore we cannot know who did it." Both the Devil and Angel tensed at the words. They knew if the Elders say so, whoever did this to Minhyuk and (M/n) was never going to get any punishment for their deed.
"As for the good one ?"
"There is a chance, a high chance that is, that the two of them are alive. Maybe not well but alive." They both sighed in relief for a second before tensing again.
"Is there any way to know where they are ?"
"I'm afraid young Devil that there is only one place they could be. Now if you'll excuse us." They bid goodbye and turned to the other.
"Well I guess we are making a trip to Earth."

- - -

Hi, hello, heya.
Y'all thought it was going to be happy and all ? Well you were fools for believing that.

Honestly it wasn't planned like that AT ALL. But it felt right when I wrote it so... Well they end up at the same place they were supposed to so it doesn't change that much.

Anyway, hope you liked it and see y'all next update 🐍

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