🕊️ 3}

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Children were playing around in a small park, running around after a ball as they laughed. Some had to stop running because their little legs hurted so they took a break, they had so much fun they didn't realize how much their legs hurted but they still smiled through the pain. A small boy sat on a bench away from the running children, he wasn't allowed to play with them because what they did made their clothes dirty, that's what his mother said anyway. He envied the others, they looked like they were having the time of their life playing around while he had to suffer by doing nothing. He wondered what he did wrong. He must have done something wrong so his punishment was to sit and watch other having fun, it had to be.
He watched as the ball came closer to him, a child had hit the ball too hard and it went flying else where. He thought that maybe it was gift to help him out of his boredom but then his mother would be mad at him for touching something disgusting as his mother said. He watched in horror as the ball went past him and onto the road. He went to stand up and get it but he felt like the time stopped.
A soft voice told him to go, get the ball and maybe he could get to play with the others for a little bit. The voice reminded him to be careful with the cars.
Another voice rose, more harsh, told him to stay put and not cause trouble. Or if he had to get the ball to do it quick and then go back to his bored self before his mother punish him.
His decision was made before the voices spoke but he felt grateful that someone else was thinking like he did.
He got up from his spot, the other children too far to even think about getting the ball as he was closer, and walk towards the road. He carefully looked out for incoming cars, made a sign before a car could pass and walked onto the road. The ball was in his hands as he thanked the car which stopped and ran back to the park, carefully approaching the other children. They thanked him and almost went back without him when he asked in his shy voice if he could join them. They all looked at each other and nodded. His eyes shone in happiness. He too had the time of his life playing with the others, a smile painted on his face as his mother watched him. She felt grateful for the others to accept her son, maybe she'll allow him to play more if that meant he'll smile.
The Angel was almost vibrating with happiness, a child smiling was the best reward Angels could ever get. The scene truly was a gift for him. The other Angel told him it was almost time for them to go which made the (h/c) Angel pout.
Meanwhile the Devil was shaking in anger at his loss. He felt dread crawling down his spine as another Devil showed up. The pink eyes of the Devil made the Mind shake in fear, he lost again and it was the tenth time in a row, it meant punishment.

The Devil carefully approached the three, slightly nodding at the Angel who knew who the Devil was. His pink eyes stopped a second too long on the Heart, their eyes met. (E/c) wide in surprise, pink slightly shining in amusement. None of them spoke but they felt something, they didn't know what it was but they felt it. Pink eyes looked away to narrow in disappointment as the Devil looked at the Mind. The Heart was confused, he barely registered that the Angel called him to go back until a hand found his shoulder. It made him snap out of the strange daze he was in. There was something about that Devil, he couldn't really say what it was but he was... different.
When the Angel and the Heart took off, (M/n) felt someone watching - more like staring - at his back. He thought it had to be that Devil, and it was. They were back to the Hearts' dormitories before he knew it, like the day before he threw his halo on his bed but made sure to do his report and bring it to the Angel in charge before throwing himself in bed.

Those damned pink eyes wouldn't leave his mind, the figure of the Devil itself didn't leave his mind. It was like it was tattooed there. He felt bothered by those eyes. They belonged to a Devil yet it didn't quite feel like the man himself was one, it felt like he saw through a mask.
(M/n) wondered. What if that Devil wasn't a Devil by choice ? When he saw those eyes, he saw someone who was reluctant, someone defeated, someone hiding. Not once did he see a ounce of evil in those eyes. Maybe it was because he was pure, just like himself. But if he was, why was he a Devil ?
(M/n) shook his head, threw on once of his outfits and walked out. He felt like loosing his mind in there. He set his wings free and took off. He had to get those eyes out of his head. He didn't even know who that Devil was but he figured he was the Devil in charge since he came to fetch the Mind but he knew nothing about him.
All he knew was that he is a Devil, has those unusual pink eyes, the red of his hair was like a perfect fire, the freckles on his face looked like a map of the stars standing out on his skin like stars in the middle of the darkest night.
(M/n) felt his face burn, how could he think of someone - a Devil at that ! - like that. He suddenly felt ashamed. Where did those thoughts even came from ? Maybe, just maybe, it was what happened when their eyes first met. (M/n) felt his own body starting to burn, making gasp in fear. There was no way it was happening, not now when he was away from the safety of his room, it wasn't supposed to happen now. He was in denial until he felt a familiar yet unpleasant sensation.
Whoever that Devil was made his Heat come early.

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Hi, hello, heya.

I don't know if it was too early to make them meet but there we go !

I'm having so much fun with those scenes at the beginning, hopefully they don't bother you too much...

I can't believe I let Yuu tell me to keep that joke but oh well, I wonder if you'll get it...

Anyway I hope you like it and see y'all next week 🐍

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