Pain and Suffering

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Percy and Hannah had no choice but to look on as Brianna faced the traps. When the trap exploded Percy shielded Hannah from the blast. After Percy had put out the lit trees he looked over to Brianna. It was hard to see through the smoke but he could tell that she wasn’t alone. A camper, from another cabin had picked her up and walked away with her, deeper into the forest.

Percy was going to run after her but he remembers Hannah. He should look after her first. He helped Hannah stand up and then looked around the clearing, the trees were now burnt and the grass was black. There was a small crater where the bomb had exploded.

 He walked over to where Brianna should have been, but she was gone. He had definitely not imagined the other camper. He looked back at Hannah who was leaning against a tree. He didn’t want to be the one who told her Brianna was gone.

He walked back over to her and sat down next to her, “Chiron must have seen the explosion, he’ll be here soon.”

 "Percy, where’s Brianna?” She asked on the brink of tears.

 “I don’t know, she must have gone deeper into the forest.” Percy replied, remembering the strange camper.

“Percy. Where is Brianna? I know as well as you do that she would be seriously hurt after being so close to the explosion. She couldn’t of just walked away from it! What aren’t you telling me!” She demanded.

 Hannah was almost crying now. Percy looked at the tears in her eyes and told her. He explained how he saw the camper take Brianna deeper into the woods. A single tear rolled down Hannah’s cheek and hit the ground.

“We have to go after her.” Hannah leaned against the tree for support and stood up. She was a little wobbly but managed to take a step. As she transferred her weight onto her other foot she collapsed.

 “It’s no use Hannah, were to weak to go after her. We’ll have to wait for Chiron.” Percy looked at Hannah, flat on the ground, obviously in pain.

 She didn’t move for five minutes. Then she asked Percy, “What do you think the camper wanted with Bri?” Hannah had obviously been pondering this.

 “I haven’t the faintest idea.” He lied. He could tell that Brianna had strong powers; they might be stronger than his if she practiced enough. She might have the strongest powers but she also had the strongest smell. It meant that monsters could easily smell her.

Percy had feared for his half-sister since the day he found out they were related. He could tell how she was feeling. It was like an empathy link. It was very faint and she didn’t bring it up so he thought it might be one way only. 


Issy was walking through the forest, carrying Brianna in her arms. It was definitely Issy. She had the same short, black hair. Although her usual green eyes were red. She walked like a confident person. Not like Issy, child of Demeter.

 Issy was walking into a darker, deeper part of the forest. Behind her saplings grew into trees, covering the trail she was following. Suddenly she stopped. Ahead of her was the border of camp. To Issy’s left and right was the forest. Ten meters ahead was the magical border.

Issy had summoned the harpies into camp but then the plan changed. Issy looked at Brianna in her arms. She had a frown on her face and her eyes flickered between red and green. Then her eyes turned red and she walked forward. She stopped before the border of camp and looked down the hill. 

She stepped out of the camp boundaries and looked to the sky. She willed the harpies to find her and then two harpies dropped out of the sky towards Issy. The two harpies, yellow and orange looked at Brianna.

They sneered and then laughed. Issy took a step forward and dropped Brianna on the ground. Then she stood motionless, facing the harpies, “Here is Brianna, daughter of Neptune.” 

The yellow harpy reached for Brianna with one of her chicken legs. She rolled her over so they could see her face. The two harpies, Pain and Suffering looked at each other and smiled. If they could smile with their twisted faces.

 Pain picked up Brianna while Suffering walked slowly to Issy. Issy heard a raspy voice in her head, 

“Lord, leave this body. I am going to tie up the loose ends.”

 Issy’s red eyes returned to green and she realised where she was. She was outside the magical border of Camp Half Blood. She looked at the two harpies and Brianna on the ground. Suffering advanced on Issy while she was still figuring out how she got there. 

Suffering took advantage of the demigod’s confusion and attacked. Suffering flew up and towards Issy, her talons outstretched. Her talons sunk into Issy’s neck and she screamed. Then her body went limp and she fell to the ground.

 Pain looked at the dead girl. “She is lucky she had a quick death. Very painless.” Pain snickered, “Now let’s take Brianna to Lord Kronos.”

Suffering and Pain flapped their wings and flew off, with Brianna.

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