Hidden Talents

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Tom looked around and saw a mattress shop. He looked at how fast Brianna was falling. He should have about one minute. Tom ran into the mattress shop and grabbed the closest mattress to the door.

“I just need to borrow this, I’ll return it!” He yelled, not waiting for a reply.

Brianna was almost 20 meters from hitting the ground when Tom ran outside. He knew that he didn’t have time to get the mattress under her so he closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and willed time to stop.

Immediately Brianna stopped screaming. Tom calmly walked towards Brianna, pulling the mattress behind him. He looked up at Brianna and placed the mattress right under her. Then Tom took two steps back and closed his eyes.

 He took a deep breath and willed time to continue. His strength sapped away and he knew he would have to take it easy now. It wasn’t easy stopping time. Brianna’s scream resumed as she fell. She didn’t know that Tom had placed a mattress below her.


I was going to hit the ground. I readied myself for the sickening crunch as my bones hit the pavement. It didn’t come; instead I hit something soft and bounced up. I stopped screaming and looked down. There was a mattress. I swear it wasn’t there a minute ago.

I stop bouncing up and down and then sit up. I take a second to find my bearings. I notice that across the street is a mattress shop. I hear a cough come from behind me. I jump up and grab for my sword. I face the person.

It was a boy. He had short, red hair and black eyes. He had groups of freckles on his cheeks. This boy was staring at me.

 “Did you put this here?” I asked, looking at the mattress. He nodded.

“Thankyou.” I said. He smiled, which I guess is a good sign. I sheath my sword.

“My name is Brianna.” I stated, curious to know his.

“Tom, pleasure to meet you.” He outstretched his hand and I shook it. Then I jumped of the mattress and onto the ground.

Tom looked me up and down, “Are you hurt?”

 “No, thanks again for helping me.”

“No problem, it’s what any demigod would have done.” His smile gives me hope.

 “Do you know the way to Long Island from here?” I ask.

Tom tilted his head to the side, “Long Island?” he asked.

“Never mind. Is there a gas station in this town?” 

“Yeah, follow the road that way.” He points down the road. I notice that there aren’t many buildings around. There is a road but the few buildings around are mostly empty. 

“Thanks.” I turn away and start walking. I am a little wobbly for the first few steps but then I get my balance. I turn my head and see Tom is still looking at me. I turn away from him and take a step. I guess I didn’t realise how weak my legs were because I almost fell on my face.

I would have, if Tom didn’t catch me. I am really lucky he’s around. “Looks like you just fell for me.” He smiles a cute smile. He’s pretty smooth, seeing he just met me.

 “How about this, you come home with me. When you’re better you can leave for ‘Long Island’.” He looks into my eyes, searching for an answer.

 “That doesn’t sound too bad.” I smile and he grins back.


I’m lying on a bed in a small room. I look around and see that there is a picture on the wall. It is of Tom and I. In the picture we are smiling on the beach. The waves are crashing behind us in the distance. I remember that, I think that was only a couple of days ago.

I was sitting on the beach with Tom. He was wearing seaweed on his head. He insisted that it was a seaweed crown.

“You’re the queen of the ocean and every queen needs a king.”

“I’m not the queen of the ocean, I am a daughter of Neptune.”

I looked at the dark wooden walls of the shack. It matched the floorboards. I looked to my right and looked out the window. Outside were green hills with Forget Me Nots bunches. The blue flowers were also under the windowsill.

 I stood up and used the bedside table next to me for support. I found some Forget Me Not’s lying on it. I decided I would put them in my hair. I brushed my hair and then braided it starting at my left ear and ending at my right ear. 

I slid the Forget Me Not’s behind my ear and opened the door. Then I walked out of the room. Tom greeted me in the kitchen. “Good morning. Did you sleep well?” 

“Very well thankyou, how about you?” It was true. I hadn’t had any nightmares since being here.

 “I slept very soundly.” Tom looked at me, “Do you want to go to the beach today?”

 I looked at Tom and smiled, “Of course. What are we having for breakfast?” Tom makes the best breakfasts. Would we be having pancakes with maple syrup? Or will we have yogurt with strawberries?

 “Today we are having a picnic on the beach. I’ve already half packed. You start walking to the beach and I’ll run along.”

“Okay.” I open the door and step outside. I follow the path that goes over the hill. When I get up the hill, I turn around. I see the small, wooden shack and fields surrounding. There is a grove of trees not to far away from the house.

It’s such a nice place. I could stay here. There are no monsters and there’s no hazard of death. Plus I have Tom here with me.

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