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Seonghwa walks around the pack house where he was taken after meeting with the head alpha, keeping his eye out for things out of the ordinary and for his own protection. He was bored out of his mind and staying in that room made him feel... uneasy...

The house was like a castle almost, and he's sure he'll be lost if he gets too far away from the room he was told to stay in. As he walked down the large hallway, he takes in the many photos and paintings on the walls and found interest in them. Painting was always something his mother did when she was bored...

A body slammed into his, and he catches himself before turning to the one who ran into him. It was another alpha, you could definitely tell, one taller and bigger looking than Seonghwa. He could easily bend him into a pretzel.

The alpha growls, his eyes flashing, "Watch where you're going Omega."

Seonghwa growls back, shocking the alpha until his eyes flashed red, "I'm an alpha you prick."

At this point the bigger alpha was snarling at Seonghwa and towering over him, Seonghwa trying very hard not to submit but it was difficult to not give in to the other.

"Adrian!" A voice calls down the hall, Wooyoung makes his appearance and steps in between the two, "Adrian stop!"

The other alpha, Adrian, snarls ferociously down at Wooyoung and easily made the omega submit, whimpering a little as he done so. Seonghwa grabs Wooyoung's arm and drags the omega behind him and places himself in front of Wooyoung, his lip curled up in a snarl and feeling his instincts take over.

Alpha pheromones filled the air and dominance radiated from both alphas. Wooyoung not knowing what to do falls to his knees and submits, shaking in terror as the pheromones make him appear smaller.

"Stand down!" Rex snarls as he drags Adrian away and grabs Wooyoung. The omega whimpers and clings to Rex, shaking still as he is forced to stand. Rex snarls in warning, glaring at the two alphas as if daring them to intervene.

"I've not even left yet and you're already getting into trouble," Rex snarls down at Wooyoung, causing him to submit some more and bite his lip to fight his wolf threatening to come through. Rex's red eyes look him over before looking at the two alphas, "Leave."

Adrian scurries away with a snort, and Seonghwa tried to get past them but Rex grabs him by the shoulder. Seonghwa snarls and turns to him, instantly submitting though when Rex snarls in his ear. Rex growls, "I thought I told you to stay on your room, Rogue?" Seonghwa wanted to fight his wolf and push himself to snarl back at the alpha towering over him but his mind told him he better not. Rex snorts, "Pathetic. Go to your room and don't come out the rest of the night. Or I'll kill you where you stand."

He backs away, grabbing Wooyoung and dragging him behind him, "Let's go."

Wooyoung looks back at Seonghwa, not before being shoved in front of Rex and dragged off. Seonghwa sighs, thinking better than to disobey and heads to the room he came from.

He spent most of his day looking around the room and snooping through the dresser drawers for a pen and notepad of paper, anything to keep him from dying of boredom. He stared out the window, seeing a pack of wolves all walking away from the pack house from his window. One large one was leading the way, must be Rex and some of his trusty followers leaving.

Seonghwa sighs, moving away from the window but he stops short when he senses something off. His wolf was like a moving compass, pacing around in his head and making him feel antsy all of the sudden.

He heads to the door, opening it up and was instantly hit with the familiar smell of an omega in heat. His wolf howls in his head and forces its way through the surface, following the scent to wherever the omega is. Vanilla, he smelt like freshly picked vanilla.

Seonghwa growls as he opens the door, seeing Wooyoung sitting on his bed hunched over as he groans in pain. His head snaps up to see the alpha standing before him, and his face pales, "W-Wait-"

Seonghwa advances on him, turning him around and pressing the omega to his chest. Wooyoung struggles, trying to fight back but Seonghwa was already letting his wolf take over. He snarls into Wooyoung's ear, the omega instantly submits and whimpers.

Seonghwa grabs the hem of Wooyoung's shorts and boxers, shoving them down enough to expose Wooyoung's plump ass.

"Seonghwa! Please!" Wooyoung sobs, trying to fight the alpha but Seonghwa snarls in his ear again and he cries out when the alpha nips at his neck.

Right where Rex is supposed to put his mark in a week.

Seonghwa didn't register anything at this point. The only thing ringing in his mind is his wolf telling him to take this omega as his, to have a mate. To mate. He needed this omega.

Seonghwa throws Wooyoung on the bed and before Wooyoung can scramble away, he advances on him and pins him to the bed. Wooyoung tried to scream for help, but eventually the heat clouded his vision and he was moaning as Seonghwa grinds into him, "Alpha."

It all happened so fast. Seonghwa rips their clothing off in a haste, throwing them all over the room as he captured Wooyoung's mouth with his own and kisses him hungrily. Wooyoung response was a little resistant, but eventually he gives in to his wolf in heat. He accepts Seonghwa and begins grind up into Seonghwa's hips.

Seonghwa growls, pulling away to pump his hard cock before placing it at Wooyoung's entrance. He was already leaking so much slick, so much so that Seonghwa could scoop some up with his fingers and coat his cock completely.

Seonghwa doesn't even prepare Wooyoung's entrance for him as he started pushing in slowly. Wooyoung gasps, tears roll down his cheeks as he sobs, "Alpha... need knot..."

"It's coming baby," Seonghwa moans, not stopping his hips as he continues to push in. He bottoms out finally and doesn't even wait on Wooyoung as he begins to pump his hips fast and hard into Wooyoung.

The Omega sobs and fought with his wolf over what he's feeling. Pain. He felt nothing but pain, but his wolf is loving this and wanting nothing but pups. Wooyoung moans, "Want your knot... give alpha pups!"

Seonghwa grunts and growls as he pumps his hips faster, not even stopping as he flips Wooyoung on his stomach and forces his hips up off the mattress. He pounds into him, drawing out loud moans and cries as Wooyoung gets close to his orgasm.

Seonghwa was close too, his knot was making it harder for him to move in and out of the blonde. He never wanted this to end, he loved this feeling. He's never experienced this before, and he really wanted to experience this again and again.

His knot finally bursts inside Wooyoung and his instincts took over once more, leaning over Wooyoung's body and sinking his canines into Wooyoung's neck. He marks him as his own before his vision turned dark and he falls on top of Wooyoung.

And soon he was asleep.

Written by jinjin0309

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