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Seonghwa stares in hurt as Yeosang took hisomega and his daughter away. He gets up and tries to go after him but a hand grips his wrist and he snarls, turning to Hongjoong.

The head alpha narrows his eyes, "We need to talk."

"About what?" Seonghwa scoffs, "About my omega having a panic attack in your safe room? About your beta not letting me go to him to comfort him?"

San snarls beside Jongho and Hongjoong snaps his head over to him, growling low in warning, "Go inside."

Jongho whispers to San, and the beta jerks away from him before heading inside the house. Yunho and Mingi stayed inside with the children, leaving just Hongjoong and Jongho outside with Seonghwa. Hongjoong nods to the house to the younger alpha, Jongho sighs before following the beta.

Seonghwa looks to Hongjoong, the head alpha sighs, "Seonghwa, have you... have you always struggled with your alpha status?" Seonghwa nods, looking down ashamed. The head alpha hums, "What are you struggling more with?"

"I-I think just controlling my wolf," Seonghwa admits, "Whenever I feel overwhelmed or I feel like I'm being attacked, my wolf comes forward and makes me snap. And when San was keeping me away from Wooyoung and my daughter... my wolf went nuts."

"Understandable, I would too go crazy if I was kept away from Yeosang and my pups," Hongjoong chuckles, but then he turns serious, "But as far as his heats go and everything else, we can work on it. When Jongho came to us, he didn't know how to control his inner wolf either and we worked with him until we got it under control finally and he only has trouble if Yeosang is in preheat. But other than that, he does pretty well."

Seonghwa pouts, looking down, "Do you think.... you could possibly show me what it's like to be an alpha?"

Hongjoong chuckles, "I can't show you how to be an alpha. You're your own person, and every alpha is different. I have noticed you're more..." he chose his words wisely as he smiles softly, "Submissive than most alphas. But there is nothing wrong with that. However, your wolf needs to be tamed, and with that I am more than happy to help you with."

"I'm just..." Seonghwa grips his hair in frustration, "I feel like a monster..."

"A monster? Why do you think of yourself as a monster?"

"For what I've done to Wooyoung... it's unforgivable and it's horrendous. I can never forgive myself and I'm sure he'll never be able to forgive me."

"Time. That's all I can say is that time will determine the healing of one's actions and words," Hongjoong hums, "But also with time, I can show you how to act in a pack, and I can show you how to be the right alpha for Wooyoung. But it takes two to tango, not just one person. You have to earn Wooyoung's heart much like he has to earn yours. That's what it takes to mate the perfect pair."

Seonghwa nods, "When can we begin?"

Hongjoong smirks, his hand coming up to the back of Seonghwa's neck and giving it a firm squeeze, "I am more than happy to start with training tomorrow. But," his eyes flash red and he pulls Seonghwa close to him as he smirks, "If you ever pull a stunt like today and worry my family, I will have no choice but to kick you and your family out of my territory."

Seonghwa nods, his eyes wide and Hongjoong smiles, his eyes going back to a dark grey, "You must earn your place as a member of my pack if you're wanting to stay with us. As well as Wooyoung. It will be decided when you proved your worth."

Written by jinjin0309

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