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Wooyoung couldn't believe that Seonghwa had gone through all of this trouble for him. He had thought the roses were sweet, but this?

It was everything he had always wanted out of being in a relationship.

His heart felt so full as enjoyed the food, but he also avoided Seonghwa's gaze a lot because he felt so shy.

When they were laying on their side, he finally got the courage to look at the alpha. "This was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, Hwa. Thank you."

"It's the least I could do." Seonghwa smiled at him. "I just wanted to show my appreciation to you. You've put up with so much from me and I wanted to show you that I care for you and that I want this to possibly... progress more than what we have now."

Wooyoung felt his heart stop for a moment as he took in what Seonghwa was saying.

Seonghwa wanted to be with him. Not because of Wynter either. Seonghwa wanted him.

He couldn't stop the smile that slowly tugged at his lips, "I'd like that." And it was true. He wanted to belong some where, and even though he knew it was more his wolf speaking, he wanted to belong with someone.

Seonghwa lifted a hand up hesitantly and cupped Wooyoung's cheek. He let his thumb move back and forth gently before he started to lean in.

Wooyoung felt his eyes widen for just a second, before he forced them closed. He let out a shaky breath as he waited for it to happen.

He wanted it to happen.

But before the contact actually came, thundering footsteps came crashing toward them and they pulled away. On the other side of the lake, a giant brown and black bear broke through the trees and stared at them with red eyes.

Wooyoung gasped and started to back away as a deep, gut wrenching growl came from the bear as it started to charge at them.

Seonghwa jumped up immediately and pulled Wooyoung behind him. The bear was so fast it had already cut them off from the house as it rounded the lake and roared a second time.

HONGJOONG! Seonghwa called out through the link.

Wooyoung clung to his shirt as his heart pounded in his ears. What were they going to do? That thing was huge... There was no way they could stop it on their own.

And the dominance that Seonghwa was emitting was already starting to force Wooyoung into submission so he would be useless anyway. Just as he always was...

We are coming, hold on. Hongjoong said through their link and Wooyoung could sense him, Mingi, and Jongho all shifting and running in their direction.

Then a loud gunshot interrupted everything.

Wooyoung yelped in surprised and stumbled backward while Seonghwa spun around to catch him and bring him to his chest. "Don't move, I don't want to lose you." The alpha muttered into the top of Wooyoung's head before he glanced over his shoulder.

The bear had stopped and was now staring into the trees again. It roared for a third time and Wooyoung could feel his entire body vibrate.

Several more gunshots could be heard echoing out of the trees.

Hongjoong stay back! There's gunfire!

Have they seen you?

I don't know, but we are still human so they don't know there are wolves around. The bear is distracted so stay back for now. Seonghwa urged as he started to back away from the creature.

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