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"Yunho did they say they were close?" Hongjoong asks as he paces in the living room again, waiting for the two guests to arrive.

"They said it would take them a bit with the cold, but they should be here any moment," Yunho answers, burping Grayson in his arms while Seonghwa sat next to him holding Wynter in his.

She had been whiny and fussy since Wooyoung had been gone, always humming for him and even more clingy to Seonghwa. Anytime he puts her down, she cries and makes grabby hands for him, calling, "Mum mum mum mum!!"

She won't even go to any of the other pack members. San tried to take her from Seonghwa so he could feed her and the older could get a quick shower last night and she screamed for him the entire time.

When she was back in Seonghwa's arms a few minutes later, large tears were running down her cheeks and her face was red from how hard she was crying. She nuzzled into his chest and sniffles, while whimpering, "Dada, mummmmma."

"I know baby," his heart broke for her, all he could do at the time was comfort her by holding her in his arms and kissing her warm cheeks.

And now she's doing the same thing, cuddling into his chest, chewing on his necklace. Every time he moved, she whined and cuddled closer to him while sucking on her thumb or his necklace. He hated having to leave her here without him, but he needed to save her mommy. His mate.

"Someone entered the territory," Mingi watches from the window, waiting to see the two wolves they were expecting.

Pretty soon, instead of two wolves, two human figures break through the trees holding hands as they carry duffel bags to the pack house. Hongjoong walks to the door, greeting the strangers before they enter their home.

Seonghwa not so subtly tightens his grip on his daughter, Wynter coos as she gnaws on his necklace and gets drool all over his shirt and the chain. He stands to greet the guests, holding Wynter close to him and when the omega sees her his eyes light up, "Oh my goodness," he gasps, "You have such beautiful eyes little one," he coos to her, smiling and holding a timid hand out to her in greeting.

Wynter looks at him, then his hand, before sassily turning away from him to cuddle into her father. Seonghwa chuckles, kissing the top of her head, "Park Wynter, don't be rude."

"Her name is Wynter?" The omega smiles, straightening back up and bowing slightly to Seonghwa, "I'm Hwanwoong."

"Seonghwa," the taller nods back, Wynter eventually peeks back at Hwanwoong and the omega smiles.

"Hi precious," he smiles kindly to her, "How old is she?"

"Almost a year," Seonghwa chuckles, bouncing her and the little girl looks up at him, drool covering her chin, hands and cheeks from chewing on his necklace.

He wipes her face with the sleeve of his shirt, making her whine and turn away, "Mum mumm mumm!"

Hwanwoong pouts, "Are you wanting mommy baby?"

"Yeah," Seonghwa clears his throat, "My mate, her mother was taken by the..."

"The bears?" Hwanwoong asks, shaking his head in disbelief, "Beasts they all are. They show no remorse and no care for anything but themselves."

Seonghwa nods, noticing Wynter is grinning slightly at Hwanwoong while shying away in his chest. He doesn't know what possessed him to do it, but with slight hesitation he gets closer to the omega, "You wanna go see him Wyn?" He holds her out a little to Hwanwoong and the omega immediately holds his hands up for her.

The little girl pouts before leaning towards the omega and allows him to take her. Immediately once she's in his arms she puckers her lips and she whines, before breaking into a cry. Hwanwoong coos, "It's okay baby girl," he bounces her, "I know I'm not mommy or daddy."

She cries harder, her little face scrunched up and giant tears roll down her cheeks as she reaches for Seonghwa. The alpha had to stop himself from grabbing her back and holding on to her. As much as he wanted to, he needed to save Wooyoung and leave with the others waiting for him at the door.

He backs away from her, Wynter sobbing harder, "Da da da da da!!!"

He couldn't help himself as he kisses her cheeks before turning away, her cries ringing in his ears and made his heart shatter. He caught sight of Mingi saying goodbye to his family, kissing each of his sons on the head and finally connecting lips with Yunho. Their foreheads connect, eyes slip close, having a silent conversation to themselves.

Hongjoong was kissing each of his children goodbye as well, promising to come back soon and spoil them with attention when he gets back with Yeosang.

Seonghwa's gaze finally fell on San and his heart shatters. San stood off to the side, by the door, biting his lip and looking down at th ground as he awkwardly waited for everyone to get done with farewells.

He heard Yunho coo to Wynter and go over to the sobbing child Her cries quiet down to whimpers in his shoulder as he comforts her. One last look over his shoulder to her, he locks his blue eyes with hers and smiles sadly to her before blowing her a kiss, turning away to run out the door after the others waiting for him.

Hongjoong was watching him as he strips his shirt, standing by the other three panting for air and nods, "Let's go."

Hongjoong nods, stripping off his shirt and shorts before shifting and ruffling out his fur. The rest copy him, and before Seonghwa knows it, they're taking off in the woods where they had the scuffle with the bears. They sniff around the area, San eventually yips at them all and points a set of human tracks.

The foot prints were large, it was no doubt that it was the bears. Hongjoong snarls, red eyes flashing as he follows the tracks. The rest of them take off running behind him, all following the strong, musky scent of the bears. Seonghwa stops when he catches a faint scent of Wooyoung, Yeosang, and Jongho, and growls.

Hongjoong came over to investigate and snarls, taking off running again following the trail that would hopefully lead them all to their loved ones.

Written by jinjin0309

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