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The world stopped as Wooyoung looked up at Rex. He had expected his father, but for whatever reason, he hadn't really thought he'd see the alpha again. He figured Rex would have found some other omega to mate with...

Did he know what happened with Seonghwa?

"Come here, let's get you out of this." Rex said, removing his hand from Wooyoung's hair and lifting him up onto the bed.

The omega whimpered and squirmed, twisting his wrists against the ropes binding them.

Rex forced him to lay down and bent over him, inhaling deeply. "Oh how I've been your sweet scent." The alpha ran his hands up Wooyoung's sides, squeezing as he went. The omega tried to speak into the gag, but it just came out as a mumbled mess.

"Your body has changed in the short time we've been apart." Lust started to fill Rex's eyes as he continued look over Wooyoung's body. He licked his lips while grabbing Wooyoung's hips. Then he paused and his eyes flashed red. "But what is this?" His voice got a little deeper as he pushed Wooyoung's head to the side.

This was it... This was where Rex was going to lose control...

The alpha growled when he took in the mark on Wooyoung's neck. "That bastard rogue marked you?!"

So his father hadn't given all the details... Wooyoung didn't know what to do. He felt like he would be betraying Seonghwa if he played it off like he was still being forced to be with the alpha... But it could also save his life.

He prayed that Seonghwa would forgive him as he nodded his head.

Rex snarled and ripped Wooyoung's shirt open, scanning his body and bearing his teeth when he noticed the faint stretch marks and once more taking in his wider hips. "YOU GAVE HIM A PUP?!"

Wooyoung whimpered and turned his head away.

Then he had to try and gasp for air when Rex grabbed him by the throat and hauled him up so they were face to face. "You are never leaving my sight. And if I ever get my hands on that bastard or that mutt..."

Wooyoung felt something inside him shift at the mention of his daughter. He growled into the gag and knew his eyes flashed gold. He would do everything in his power to protect his daughter from Rex.

And the alpha saw this reaction and sneered. "Pathetic. Like you could stop me. You're weak, and I'll have you submitted to me here soon."

Rex threw him back onto the bed and stalked over to the closet. He cursed under his breath several times.

The omega stayed still, knowing that if he tried to move or get away now it would just make things worse.

"You are never to leave my sight unless I give you permission." Rex ordered as he walked back in the room. The force of his dominance forced Wooyoung into the bed as he bared his neck to the alpha. "You will follow my rules, or face the consequences." He reached forward and untied Wooyoung but left the gag in. "When we are in this room, you will stay naked at all times. You are MINE and I will have you whenever I please." He ripped of Wooyoung's clothes, throwing the shredded pieces aside. "When we leave the room you will be covered up so no other alpha is given the chance to lust after what is mine." Rex pulled Wooyoung up into a sitting position, his dominance turning the omega into a rag doll. "And you will do what I say, when I say, and exactly how I say."

Any hope Wooyoung had for an easier time was pounded out of him with each one of Rex's words. And then it was reinforced tenfold when a leather collar was locked around his neck.

The alpha leaned forward to examine the mark on Wooyoung's neck. "That will be dealt with soon. But for now, maybe that worthless rogue could learn a thing or two."

Wooyoung's entire body shook as he was yanked onto the floor by the chain attached to the collar.

"On your knees." Rex said.

The omega obeyed immediately and placed his hands on top of his thighs. He tried to keep his lower lip from trembling as Rex dropped his pants and pressed his length into the side of Wooyoung's face, then pulled the gag out of his mouth. "Don't worry, I won't take you yet. I have something I want to do when the time is right. But that doesn't mean I still can't use you. Now suck."

Wooyoung's will was taken away from him by all the orders that had been forced upon him. He opened his mouth and let out a shaky breath as Rex rocked his hips forward.

The only good thing about this was that Rex's scent wasn't unpleasant. He had always enjoyed the smell of burning coals. But the size of Rex's length made his jaw hurt as he started to bob his head back and forth.

He didn't want to do this, but he had no choice.

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he worked to try and not think about Seonghwa or Wynter.

Seonghwa would never want him again after this...

Rex let out a satisfied groan as he ran his hands through Wooyoung's blonde locks. "That's it, pet." He purred.


The word disgusted Wooyoung. He didn't want to be Rex's pet.He-

As if sensing Wooyoung's hesitancy, Rex gripped his head to hold it in place and started thrusting into his mouth.

The omega started to choke immediately and drool and spit dribbled out of the corners, down his face, and onto his chest and lap.

His eyes started to roll to the back of his head when Rex held him in place, his length partially down the omega's throat...

When he finally pulled back, Rex laughed as Wooyoung fell forward and started to cough. The omega lifted a hand up and started to rub his own neck.

He wasn't given much of a break through. Rex grabbed his hair again and shoved himself back into Wooyoung's mouth. He snapped his hips back and forth at a brutal pace.

All that could be heard was the gurgling choking sounds coming from Wooyoung's throat. He even lifted his hands up and placed them on Rex's thighs to try and find something to anchor himself.

"So good. Let me fuck that pretty mouth of yours." Rex panted as his head fell back. He continued his assault, thrusting at a brutal pace. He sneered at the sounds coming from Wooyoung's throat as the omega worked hard push past the gag reflex...

A few thrusts later, and Rex pulled Wooyoung's face forward again so that his seed shot straight down Wooyoung's throat. He held it there to the point that the omega's body started to spasm a little from the lack of oxygen before finally pulling out.

Wooyoung collapsed on the floor, panting heavily as he tried to get oxygen flowing through him again.

Rex grabbed the chain and pulled Wooyoung forward harshly. He snapped his fingers and pointed to the bed.

The omega obeyed and watched as Rex hooked the end of it through a loop over the headboard and locked it in place. He tucked the key into his pocket.

Then he got into he bed as well and pulled Wooyoung down so they were laying facing each other.

Rex started to place possessive kisses along Wooyoung's jaw and neck while running his hands over ever inch he could reach.

Wooyoung whimpered as the alpha squeezed his ass several times, then froze in shock when Rex wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close.

"You're not going anywhere ever again. You're mine."

Written by flamewhipper

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