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The following morning, as Seonghwa checked on Wooyoung and Wynter, the omega could tell that something was off. He was tense and kept looking at the door. Wooyoung shifted as he moved to feed Wynter, "Seonghwa? What's wrong?"

"Something feel off." The alpha growls, his eyes flash red as he stares at the door. Then he straightened up quickly and he snarls as he moves between Wooyoung and the door.

The omega looked at him, feeling his heart racing. They were in a territory Seonghwa had claimed, why was he acting like this? Unless... Someone had entered their territory?

"Stay here," Seonghwa snarls, opening the door and closing it behind him.

Wooyoung tenses when he hears a warning snarl comes from the alpha. There was definitely someone outside and he could feel Seonghwa's anger rising.

"I mean you no harm!" A distant voice called.

"What are you doing here?"

Wooyoung stood up at Seonghwa's tone and pressed himself against the far wall of their hogan, holding Wynter close to his chest and sliding to the floor.

"My mate and I smelled an omega in distress and we came to investigate, ready to help if needed." The deep voice called. "You know you're about ten miles away from the nearest pack territory? Our territory?"

Wooyoung tried to keep his anxiety under control as Wynter cooed up at him. Her wide eyes looked around the hut and she lifted a tiny hand. He felt himself starting to relax and the same time Seonghwa did. The alpha must not see whoever was outside as a threat...

"My name is Yeosang, I'm a midwife for my pack. The distress we smelled... Was it an omega giving birth?" The visitor said and Seonghwa snarled again, sending off waves of dominate pheromones in warning. "I mean no harm, I wish to help if you let me."

Now felt his own wolf churning inside him. He didn't want anyone touching his baby. Especially not a complete stranger.

"If you so much as harm either one, I'll rip you to shreds along with your alpha." Seonghwa growls. Wooyoung's wolf appreciated the protection, but still Wooyoung pressed himself into the wall.

"I promise I won't harm either one. I just want to make sure the baby is healthy."

Wooyoung feels Seonghwa give in. He heard the visitor's feet crunching in the snow as he walked closer and Wooyoung was finally able to pick up on the fact that it was another omega. But that didn't stop him from snarling viciously as Seonghwa pushed the door open.

"Wooyoung," Seonghwa said, trying to break the tension, "This is Yeosang. He and his alpha smelled your distress from having the baby. He wanted to check and see if you were okay."

"We're fine." Wooyoung snarls, "My baby and I are fine."

"Just let me be sure," Yeosang pleads, "Please. I just want to make sure you're alright and the baby is healthy. I won't be able to rest until I know for sure."

Wooyoung took in the omega's face. He definitely had the look of an omega. He was slim, with a sharp jawline that was strong, but also gave him a more feminine look from the right angle. He had kind eyes, with a birthmark under the left one. And he radiated concern.

"Why do you care?" Wooyoung asked, staring down the omega and he brought Wynter closer to his chest to protect her.

"Because I want to offer you both a home." Yeosang smiles kindly. "A home with beds, food, and warmth. There are even other pups your child can play with as they grow older."

Wooyoung tenses, but then lowers his guard as Wynter starts to whine. Yeosang walked over slowly and sits beside him. He was still on edge, which made sense since he was in a small space with two protective wolves he didn't know, Wooyoung couldn't fault him for that.

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