• •  Betrayal & Brusies • •

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Adrien exhaled and brought Marinette into her house, he set her on the bed, "Mari please stay here I—" He knew Ladybug was against identity reveals but he had to do this to keep Marinette safe, "stay here, I need to take care of the Akuma." Marinette just smiled.

"O-okay Chat, please stay safe." she brushed a piece or hair out of his face, "please." Adrien only nodded before transforming.

Marinette knew what it was like to transform, but still wasn't prepared to see Adrien do it, "See you soon Princess." Marinette waited until he left to signal to Tikki to fly over and help her transform.

  Chat leapt over to the Eiffel Tower, "I don't want to deal with you dad. Release whoever the villain is and let us be!"

A dark voice called out, "you honestly think I would give up, son." the last word spat out like poison. Chat whipped around to see Hawkmoth's staff shooting at his face.

A yo-yo soon shot into view, "Chat! Watch out!" Ladybug yelled pulling Chat over to the roof she perched on, "Adri- Chat are you okay?"

  Chat was caught off guard at his civilian name. He had imagined Ladybug saying his name so many times before, but now he was concerned, "Ladybug, I have to save Nooroo and the peacock kwami." Ladybug just shook her head.

  Giving Chat a worried look she bit her lip, "he's you father Adrien, who knows what he can do now that he knows who you are."

"Nobody wants me not even myself!"

"That's not true, I need you more than you think."

"Your only saying that out of guilt!"

"Chat I am not! Don't shut me out!"

"I shut everyone out! It's easier that way!"

"T-th-that's not okay Chat."

"I used to think that love was real. I guess I was wrong." and with that Chat leapt away, "Maybe I'm just meant to be alone. It's clear Ladybug hates me, hates who I am, what's the point?!"

Ladybug sat on the roof, "I really messed up, but there's no time for that now, Chat still needs me." she flung her yo-yo and landed next to Chat. 

  Chat had already had the akumatized person pinned to the ground "Cataclysm!" he called swiping at the MP3 player dangling from a pouch "Lb your up!" he scoffed.

  With the Akuma captured and de-evilized Ladybug turned to Chat, "Kitty please about earlier..."

  "What's there to talk about! Do you have any idea how long I've loved you?" Chat sighed, "Since we were thirteen LB, Thirteen!"


  "Don't bother."

  "Are you insane!?"

  "Yes! I mean, does it look like I've moved on!?"

  "Chat Noir! What is wrong with you?!"

  "You did this to yourself Ladybug! I'm going to save Nooroo from my father, even if it kills me, because you know what? It would be better than seeing you again!"

  "Chat Noir!" Ladybug called, but it was too late. He had leapt off and was headed to the Agreste Mansion.

   He slipped into his room's window to find his father transformed into Hawkmoth. It was worse then he thought it would be, to confront his father after what he did, "I came here for a reason. Just give me the Miraculous and I'll leave."

  Hawkmoth shook his head, "Give me yours."

  "Fine!" Adrien slipped off the ring, "I don't want to see Ladybug again anyway!" He threw the ring onto his bed, "give me Nooroo and the Peacock Kwami." Adrien soon regreted his decision as a fist came flying at his face leaving a black eye, and another leaving his lip bleeding. He ducked and slipped out the door. He ran to the safe he was lucky to get find it open with the  Peacock miraculous just sitting on the shelf.

  "Adrien, what are you doing?" Nathalie asked stepping up behind Adrien.

  "Nothing." he slipped the miraculous onto his jacket and ran.

  "Hello master, I am Duusu the peacock kwami." Adrien exhaled.

  "I'm freeing you, but you have to help me save Nooroo." The blue kwami nodded.

  "Okay! Do you want to transform?" Adrien nodded, "it's Duusu, spread my feathers!" Adrien nodded, "but I must warn you my Miraculous is dameged and—"

  "Duusu spread my feathers!" Adrien called. The feeling of warmth spread around him. Running back to his room he saw his Father talking to Nathalie outside the door. He slipped out side and leaped in through his bathroom window. He didn't know weather to feel happy or sad to find his ring on his bed untouched.

  Adrien winced pain and fell over on his bed clutching his ring and slipping it in his finger. Adrien shook his head and stood up slipping out side, "Adrien, what are you doing take that off now!" His fathers concern didn't bother him. He slipped down and leapt up snatching the broach in the process. He slipped it on as well and ran as fast as he could, "Duusu, fall my feathers." Adrien collapsed as soon as the kwami dropped the transformation. Three kwamis now hovered in front of him.

  "Master-" Nooroo started.

  "Please just call me Adrien both of you."

  "Kid, we should talk about what happened earlier."

  "Shut up Plagg, we have to get back to Marinette." He sighed not wanting to feel the cat suit against his skin agian, "ugh, Claws Out!"

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