• • Why are you Doing That • •

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  Marinette felt guilty knowing that just a minute ago, Adrien said he never wanted to see Ladybug again. Let alone he would rather die, "I-I love to to Adrien."

  She soon felt warm arms wrap around her and pull her closer to Adrien, "Princess, why are you doing that?"

  She played with his hair, "doing what?" She asked questionly.

  He slowly ran his fingers through her hair, "Treating me like a person." he slowly felt a purr escape his chest.

Marinette giggled, "I thought you could only as Chat."

Adrien laughed causing Marinette to smile as well, "I've rarely heard you laugh Adrien, I've missed it."

A blush spread across Adrien's face, "Princess, I'm still allowed to stay here right? I got into a fight with a friend- Ladybug. I can't take it back and I really don't think I can face her."

Marinette nodded and slowly began to play with his hair, "of course Adrien, you can stay as long as you want."

"Mari, I don't want to put pressure on you."

" Your not Adrien, I love you okay. I'll do anything for you."

"Princess, I don't want you to get hurt. I'd protect you with my life."

"I don't want you to die for me"

"But I would, you know I would. Can- can I kiss you again?"

"You don't have to ask." and with that Adrien pressed his lips onto hers. Adrien felt Marinette's breath on his neck. The feeling sent shivers down his spine, he loved this feeling, the warmth of the bakery, and my god did he love her~

Originally Finshed 8/3/21

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