• • Everything Hurts • •

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  When Adrien finally arrived back at Marinette's, he saw her on her balcony tears filling her eyes and pacing back and forth.
He landed gracefully on the rail, "Careful princess, keep that up you'll wear a hole in your roof." Marinette jumped up and gave him a hug. He winced as the pressure of her hug pressed against his side. 'I guess that's a side effect of the peacock Miraculous' he thought

She noticed he was in pain, "Adrien, are you okay?" she asked, worry in her eyes. Chat started to nod, but soon fell forward in her arms, "Let your transformation drop, I'll take you inside." Chat nodded and mumbled for the transformation to drop.

When they got in, Marinette slowly peeled of his jacket forgetting all the stuttering she normally made, "Is it okay if you lift up your shirt?" Adrien felt warmth rush to his cheeks as he nodded slowly. Marinette's finger tips slid under the hem of his shirt and lifted it up to reveal a huge bruise on his side, "That's not good, we should go see someone" Adrien nodded and started getting up, "no let me, I'll carry you."

   "Okay, I have an idea of where to go."

Adrien gave Marinette directions to Master Fu. When they got there Master Fu was at the door waiting, "Marinette, bring Adrien in." Marinette did as instructed. Adrien winced as he was placed down, "He has used a dameged Miraculous." Adrien took of the Peacock and Butterfly Miraculous and handed them to Master Fu.

Master Fu brought out a few tools and started chanting and hitting his gong lightly. When he was done Adrien sat up slowly not feeling the pain anymore, "Thank you Master." Adrien said politely and they both walked off.

"Take care of eachother young ones."

"What? Did you say something?"

"No, nothing at all Chat Noir."

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