Chapter 2 - The Beatles Concert

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Wendy and Tyler have arrived at their destination where The Beatles are performing. "Before we go in, did you bring earplugs?" Asked Tyler. "In my pocket. Why?" Wendy asked. "I've gone to a few of their concerts and there are loads of girls that scream all through their acts." Tyler said. "That must be annoying!" Said Wendy. "It is." Said Tyler with a scoff. Wendy puts the earplugs into her ears. She and Tyler enter the building right after and they find their seats.

The concert was about to begin. The Beatles arrived on stage and all the girls begin screaming wildly. Wendy was the only girl that wasn't screaming. Paul McCartney counts down to begin their first song.

1, 2, 3, 4

Well, she was just seventeen
You know what I mean
And the way she looked was way beyond compare
So how could I dance with another (Ooh)
When I saw her standing there

Well she looked at me, and I, I could see
That before too long I'd fall in love with her
She wouldn't dance with another (Whooh)
When I saw her standing there

Well, my heart went "boom"
When I crossed that room
And I held her hand in mine

Well, we danced through the night
And we held each other tight
And before too long I fell in love with her
Now I'll never dance with another (Whooh)
Since I saw her standing there

Well, my heart went "boom"
When I crossed that room
And I held her hand in mine

Oh, we danced through the night
And we held each other tight
And before too long I fell in love with her
Now I'll never dance with another (Whooh)
Since I saw her standing there
Whoa since I saw her standing there
Yeah well since I saw her standing there

Everyone cheers after they finished. After taking their bows, Paul sees a girl in the audience that made his heart flutter and filled his stomach with butterflies. That girl happens to be Wendy, only he doesn't know her name. Wendy finds herself locking eyes with Paul. He smiles and winks at her. "Oh my gosh, Tyler! Paul McCartney just winked at me!" Wendy squealed excitedly. "Really? How special for you." Tyler said sarcastically. Wendy sensed jealousy in him.

"Somebody's jealous." She said elbowing him. "Jealous?! Me?! Oh, come off it! I just don't like it when other guys try to flirt with my girl!" Said Tyler. "You are jealous! Admit it!" Said Wendy. "Okay, fine! Yes, I'm jealous!" Tyler said. "Can I help it if Paul McCartney is my favorite Beatle?" Wendy asked with her hands on her hips. Tyler's eyes widened. "Sorry, Wendy, darling. I don't know what came over me." He said.

The Beatles were about to sing another song. Tyler and Wendy turn their attention back to the stage. When they played an even catchier song, Wendy's face lit up. "I love this song!!" She said excitedly. "Same!" Said Tyler. They start dancing as John Lennon's voice filled the room.

Well, shake it up, baby, now (Shake it up, baby)
Twist and shout (Twist and shout)
C'mon c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, baby, now (Come on baby)
Come on and work it on out (Work it on out)

Well, work it on out, honey (Work it on out)
You know you look so good (Look so good)
You know you got me goin' now (Got me goin')
Just like I knew you would (Like I knew you would)

Well, shake it up, baby, now (Shake it up, baby)
Twist and shout (Twist and shout)
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, baby, now (Come on, baby)
Come on and work it on out (Work it on out)

Well, you twist, you little girl (Twist, little girl)
You know you twist so fine (Twist so fine)
Come on and twist a little closer now (Twist a little closer)
And let me know that you're mine (Let me know you're mine)

Well, shake it up, baby, now (Shake it up, baby)
Twist and shout (Twist and shout)
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, baby, now (Come on, baby)
Come on and work it on out (Work it on out)

Well, you twist, you little girl (Twist, little girl)
You know you twist so fine (Twist so fine)
Come on and twist a little closer now (Twist a little closer)
And let me know that you're mine (Let me know you're mine)

Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby, now (Shake it up baby)
Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby, now (Shake it up baby)
Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby, now (Shake it up baby)

Applause fills the room again. After a few more songs, the show was over. Everyone piles out of the building and makes their way home. As Wendy makes her way to Tyler's car, she couldn't stop dancing. Tyler couldn't help but laugh. "So I'm guessing you enjoyed seeing your first Beatles concert?" He asked. "You bet I did! I'm gonna go with my family sometime!" Said Wendy. Tyler nods and starts his car to drive Wendy home.

Paul's P.O.V.

While the other Beatles were backstage, Paul was looking around for the girl he locked eyes with early on. Realizing there was no one left in the building, he felt his heart sink. John comes up from behind and taps Paul on his shoulder. "Hey, Paulie! What are you doing out here by yourself?" He asked. "There was this one girl that I saw while we were singing. I can't find her now!" Said Paul as his voice trembled.

"Was she a pretty bird?" Asked John. "No doubt about it. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen! Now I'll never see her again!" Paul said in despair. "Don't say that, Macca. I'm sure you'll see her again." Said John. George and Ringo approach the two songwriters.

"What's going on here?" Asked George. "Paul said he saw a very attractive girl in the audience during the show. Now she's nowhere to be seen." John said. Paul nods in agreement. "Don't give up, Paul. There may be a chance that you'll find her again." Said Ringo. "I hope so. Because I'm not gonna quit until I do!" Said Paul with determination. "Go get her, Paulie! We're all counting on you!" Said John.

Paul nods to his friends and follows them backstage. He gets out of his stage clothes and marches outside to find the girl of his dreams.

Wendy's P.O.V.

Tyler drops Wendy off at her house. He gives her a kiss on her lips and caresses her face. "I had a lot of fun with you, sweetie." He said. "Me too." Said Wendy. The two exit the car and Tyler walks Wendy up to her door. "Now I'm gonna be busy for a few days, so we won't be able to hang out for a while." Said Tyler. Wendy gives an understanding nod. "I've got things to do anyway. So it works out well." She said.

Wendy wraps her boyfriend into a hug and they say their goodbyes. After they pull away away, Tyler goes back to his car while Wendy enters her house and gets greeted by her family. "Wendy, my favorite sister!" Said Kyle excitedly. "Kyle, I'm your only sister." Said Wendy with a giggle. "I know. I just like saying that." Kyle said. Wendy playfully punches her brother on his arm. "You may be my only brother, but you're my favorite." She said.

Kyle ruffles Wendy's hair. Francine and Steve enter the room. "Ah, Wendy! How was the concert?" Asked Steve. "It was awesome! Not only that, something magical happened during the show!" Wendy said. "What happened, honey?" Asked Francine. "I received a wink... from PAUL MCCARTNEY!!!!!!" Said Wendy excitedly. Her family gasps. "The cute bass player?" Francine asked. "Oh yeah! He even smiled at me!" Wendy said. "How lucky are you?" Steve asked.

"I'm so lucky I got a wink and a smile from my favorite Beatle!" Said Wendy excitedly. She jumps up and down and claps her hands, unable to control her excitement. Eventually, she lets out a yawn. "Looks like it's somebody's bedtime." Said Francine. "Pretty much. I better regain my energy for tomorrow. Besides, I'm going for my morning jog first thing I wake up." Wendy said. She says good night to her parents and Kyle, makes her way upstairs, and gets ready for bed. Once she's under the covers, she doesn't fall asleep right away since she couldn't stop thinking about being winked and smiled at from Paul McCartney.

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