Chapter 7 - Together At Last

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Wendy's P.O.V.

After escaping from Tyler, Wendy and Paul found a nice quiet place to be alone. They went to a park and sat down together. Wendy leans onto Paul's shoulder while he wraps his arm around her.

"You made the right decision, love." Said Paul. "I'm glad I chose you. Besides, Tyler was a bit clingy during our time together." Said Wendy. She looks up at Paul and sees that he's zoning out. "Are you okay, hon?" She asked. "I was just thinking." Paul said. "About what?" Wendy asked. "A lot of things. Tyler for one, he seemed like he didn't wanna let you go after he found out about us." Said Paul.

"Oh yeah, that's true. Even after I told him that he'll find another girl, he said that he never looked at a girl the way he looked at me." Said Wendy. "I hope he finds another girl. I'm never giving you up. I'd be heartbroken if I did." Said Paul. "I'll never give you up either, Paul. I love you too much to do that." Wendy said.

Paul's eyes widen and he smiles real big. "Wendy, did you just say what I thought you said?!" He asked excitedly. "I sure did. I love you, Paul. I'm always gonna love you until the day I die." Said Wendy. She gives Paul a kiss on his cheek and he blushes. "Love, there's something I've been wanting to ask you." He said. "What is it, sweetheart?" Wendy asked.

The two stand up from the bench. Paul cups Wendy's face gently. "From the moment I saw you, and from the moment I looked into your eyes, there was something about you that I just couldn't resist." He said. "Really?" Asked Wendy. "Yes. Wendy, I've loved you from the moment I saw you. Will you be my girlfriend?" Asked Paul. "Of course I will, Paul. And I loved you since our first encounter as well." Wendy said.

Paul pulls Wendy towards him and they hug. Wendy leans on Paul's chest while Paul leans on her head. He kisses her forehead and rubs her back. A little while later, the two walk back to Wendy's house. "My parents are going out later tonight and Kyle is hanging out with some friends. Would you like to come over later?" Asked Wendy. "I'd love to." Paul said. He kisses Wendy on her cheek and makes his way home.

Paul's P.O.V.

As Paul continues to walk back to his place, he immediately runs into Tyler. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the man who stole my girl!" He said. "I never stole her from you! She just fell in love with me!" Said Paul angrily. "She shouldn't have done that! No other man is allowed to have her, except me!" Tyler yelled.

To Paul's horror, Tyler pulls out a knife. Paul slowly backs away as Tyler walks towards him. With one swing of that knife, Paul was able to dodge without getting cut. Tyler may have been fast, but Paul was faster. No matter how many times Tyler swung at Paul, he missed. Paul wouldn't let the sharp blade slice and dice him.

Tyler eventually gives up. "I'll admit, you're fast. But I'm not gonna quit until I have my Wendy back!" He snarled. Paul crosses his arms. "You can try all you like, but she's never gonna come back to you! After all, she's my girlfriend now!" He hollered. Tyler's eyes widen and his mouth drops open. Paul leaves him standing like that and continues his way home.

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