Chapter 10 - Hospital Proposal

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As Wendy's parents drive her to the hospital, Wendy couldn't keep her excitement in control. When they get there, Wendy fast walks to Paul's room. Her family follows her. "If you guys don't mind, I'd like to be alone with Paul first." Said Wendy. "Go ahead, sis." Said Kyle.

Wendy walks into the room and sees Nurse Tammy smiling. "There you are Wendy!" She said. "I came as quickly as I could!" Said Wendy. "I'm glad you did. Come on in, please." Said Nurse Tammy. Wendy enters the room and sees Paul sitting on the edge of his bed. He smiles when he sees her. "Paul! Thank goodness!" Wendy exclaimed excitedly. She walks over to him and wraps him into a tight hug. Paul returns the embrace.

"I'm so glad you're okay! I was worried that you'd be in that coma for a long time!" Said Wendy. "It was your kiss that saved me." Said Paul. The two release from their embrace. "What do you mean?" Wendy asked. "When I felt you kiss my lips, it helped me get out of my coma." Paul said. "I didn't know that was possible." Said Wendy. "It's not. It was your love that brought me back. From the moment your lips touched mine, I could feel the love you gave me flow through my body." Paul said.

A smile appears on Wendy's face. "Oh, Paulie!" She said. She kisses Paul's lips and he returns the embrace this time since he's awake to feel the kiss. When they pull away, Paul stands up from his bed. He then reaches for his jacket and pulls out a tiny box. "I know this isn't the most romantic spot to do this, but I'd like to do it anyway." He said. "Do what?" Wendy asked.

Paul gets down on one knee. "Wendy, my love, I'll never forget the day you literally ran into me. I've loved you from the moment I first laid eyes on you. What I'm about to ask you will change everything." He said. He opens the tiny box and reveals a diamond ring. "Wendy Rose Jefferson, will you marry me?" He asked.

Wendy's eyes fill with happy tears and she smiles the biggest smile. "Oh, Paul, of course I'll marry you!" She said. Paul takes the ring out of the box and slips it onto Wendy's finger. He then pulls her in for a kiss. Applause rings out in the room. After their kiss breaks up, they see Nurse Tammy smiling. "Congratulations, you two!" She said. "I've been wanting to do that a few weeks ago. That is until I fell into a coma." Said Paul as he hangs his head. Wendy lifts his head so he's looking at her.

"You finally did it, though. Now that you're out of your coma, you have nothing else to worry about." She said. "Not even Tyler?" Paul asked. "He's behind bars now." Wendy said. Paul breathes a sigh of relief. "I'm glad. Soon, you'll be mine forever." He said with a smile. Wendy wraps him into a hug. They hear sobbing after they pull away. It was Nurse Tammy.

"Nurse Tammy, are you crying?" Asked Wendy. "Sorry. It's just so romantic!" Said Nurse Tammy. She blows her nose into her tissue. "I better get going. My family is waiting for me." Wendy said. "Awww. I wish you could stay longer." Said Paul. "Darling, you'll see me when they release you." Said Wendy. Paul shrugs his shoulders. "You're right." He said. Wendy gives him a quick kiss on his lips and he climbs back into his bed.

Before Wendy left the room, Nurse Tammy approaches her. "He'll be going home tomorrow afternoon. We're going to have him rest for the remainder of the day. He'll need it after getting out of a coma." She said. "That's true. Thank you so much for taking care of him!" Wendy said. "You're welcome, dear. Congrats on your engagement again." Nurse Tammy said with a smile.

Wendy smiles. She then turns back to Paul and walks over to him. He sits up on his bed and caresses Wendy's face. "I forgot to say something." Said Wendy. "What's that?" Paul asked. "I love you." Wendy said. Paul smiles and pulls Wendy in for yet another kiss. "I love you too." He said. Wendy holds his hand for a brief moment and slowly lets it go as she walks away.

On the ride home, Wendy couldn't stop smiling. "I can't believe he proposed in the hospital!" Said Kyle. "I know! But I'm glad we're engaged at the same time." Said Wendy. Once they got home, they see John, George, and Ringo standing outside their house. "There's our girl!" Said Ringo. "Hi, boys!" Wendy said. "Were you guys just visiting Paul?" Asked John. "We were." Kyle said. "How is he?" Asked George. "He's out of his coma!" Said Wendy excitedly.

The three Beatles cheer. "Thank goodness!" Ringo said. "And something even better happened while we were visiting him!" Said Francine. "Show them, Wendy." Said Steve. Wendy shows the boys her engagement ring. "Paul proposed?!" George asked excitedly. "In the hospital?!" John asked in shock. "He certainly did. The nurse that was looking after Paul was touched by the whole thing. She was very nice too." Wendy said. "When is he coming home?" Asked Ringo. "Tomorrow afternoon. Then we'll have plenty of time to plan our wedding!" Said Wendy.

Moments after talking with the three Beatles, Wendy makes her way over to Dana's house. She knocks on the door and hears Lily barking. Dana opens the door and sees Wendy smiling real big. "You seem excited. What happened?" Asked Dana. "Two things. One, Paul is finally out of his coma! Two, he proposed!" Wendy said. She shows Dana her ring. "Yay! Can I be your maid of honor?" She asked. "Of course you can, Dana! You're my best friend!" Said Wendy. Dana smiles and throws her arms around Wendy, hugging her tightly.

Lily begins whining after the girls pull away. "I think somebody missed you." Dana said. "I missed her too." Wendy said. She bends down and pets Lily. The girls spend the next few hours talking, giggling, and playing with Lily. As the day drew to a close, Wendy gets herself ready for bed. For the first time in three weeks, she felt happier than ever. She looks up at the sky and sees the stars shining bright like diamonds. "I can't wait for you to come home tomorrow, Paulie. Best of all, I'm super excited to marry you!" She said. Wendy tucks herself into bed after a minute and falls asleep immediately.

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