Chapter 4 - The Date

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As Wendy waits for Paul, she listens to her Beatles record. Once she reached the last song, she turns it off. She walks downstairs in just the nick of time. The doorbell rings and she immediately opens the door to see Paul standing outside wearing a tuxedo.

"Paul! I'm so happy to see you!" Said Wendy excitedly. "Hello, Wendy. You look beautiful tonight." Said Paul. "Thank you." Wendy said as she blushed. Her parents enter the room. "Paul McCartney?!" Said Francine in shock. "You got it!" Paul said. "We are such huge fans!" Said Steve excitedly.

Kyle rushes into the room. "Oh my god! It's Paul McCartney!!" He yelled! "What are you doing here anyway?" Francine asked. "I'm here to pick Wendy up. I wanted to take her out tonight." Paul said. "I ran into him during my jog... literally." Said Wendy. "Really? And he just asked you out?" Steve asked. "Pretty much. But we're gonna get to know each other while we're out." Wendy said.

"Where are you taking her tonight?" Kyle asked. "I figured I'd take her out dancing. There's a dance hall not too far from here." Said Paul. "I love dancing!" Wendy said excitedly. "Perfect! Shall we?" Paul asked. "I say, we shall." Said Wendy. Paul offers her his arm and she takes it. "Have fun, sweetheart!" Said Francine. Wendy waves to her parents and Kyle as she exits her house. Paul takes Wendy to his car and they both ride off to the nearest dance hall.

When they get there, Paul opens the door for Wendy. "Such a gentleman!" She said. "For you, I'll always be one!" Said Paul. Wendy smiles. "Tyler has never done that for me! I feel like Paul is doing things that Tyler never does!" She thought to herself. Once inside the dance hall, Paul finds a table for him and Wendy. They sit down and watch a lot of people dancing. "So, Wendy, your family told me that you're all huge Beatles fans." Paul said. "We are. I happen to own your Please Please Me record." Said Wendy.

"Oh yeah? That's amazing!" Said Paul. "Whenever I hear Twist & Shout play, I can't help but dance! It's like my favorite song on that album!" Wendy said. "I hear you. It's a super catchy song." Paul said. As the two continue their conversation, a slow song begins playing. Paul stands up and holds out his hand for Wendy. "Would you like to dance with me?" He asked. "Oh, Paul, of course! I'd love to dance with you!" Said Wendy as she takes Paul's hand.

As they approach the dance floor with the other dancers, Paul gently places his hands on Wendy's hips while she puts her hands on his shoulders. They gracefully sway to a steady beat. Wendy feels her heartbeat pick up as she locks eyes with Paul. She immediately felt her feelings for Tyler disappear. Although Tyler has a handsome appearance, Paul was twice as handsome. Wendy leans onto Paul's chest. She could hear his heart gently beating.

They danced like this for hours. Paul drops Wendy off at her place a little while later and walks her to the door. "I had a wonderful time, Paul. Thank you for tonight." Wendy said. "You're welcome, love. I hope we see each other again soon." Said Paul. "I hope so too. Spending time with you brings me such bliss." Said Wendy. Paul feels a smile form onto his face. "You mean it?" He asked. "I do. When I'm with you, I always have the best times." Wendy said. She wraps Paul into a hug and he returns the embrace.

Shortly after they pull away, Paul caresses Wendy's face. "We may not have known each other for very long, but I can't deny the fact that I'm falling in love with you, Wendy." He said. "OMG! Paul said he's in love with me! But I'm still dating Tyler! I have to do something about him before Paul and I could be together!" Said Wendy in her head. She snaps back to reality and makes eye contact with Paul again. "You are?" She asked. Paul nods. "Don't you feel the same way about me?" He asked.

Wendy was quiet for a moment. She speaks after a while. "I need some time to think. I'm not saying no, it's just..." Wendy pauses. "It's just what, love?" Asked Paul. Wendy takes a deep breath before speaking. "It's complicated." She said as she hangs her head low. Paul lifts her head up so she's looking at him. "I can wait. Don't feel as if I'm pressuring you." He said. "You're not pressuring me, Paul." Wendy said.

Paul gives her a pat on the back. "Take all the time you need, sweetie. When you're ready, I'll be waiting." He said. Wendy nods and gives Paul a quick peck on the cheek. "Good night, Paul." She said. She enters her house as Paul was standing completely still. He was stunned by how Wendy just kissed him. After a minute, he snaps out if it and goes back to his car. He drives home with a touched expression on his face.

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