Chapter 6 - Tyler Finds Out

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Tyler's P.O.V.

After an awkward encounter with Wendy, Tyler was determined to know why she's acting different. So he decides to spy on Wendy and see what she's up to. Not a minute too soon, he sees her exit her house and walking in the same direction she goes whenever she jogs.

Tyler quickly and quietly follows Wendy to find out where she's going and who she's seeing.

Wendy's P.O.V.

Wendy went to find Paul. She finds him in the very same spot when she left him early on during her jog. The difference is, he wasn't alone. His bandmates were with him. Paul's face lights up when he sees Wendy.

"Ah, hello again, Wendy!" He said. "Hi, Paul. I see you have company." Said Wendy. "Is this the bird you winked at on the night of our concert?" Asked George. Paul nods. "I'm Wendy. Wendy Rose Jefferson." Wendy introduces herself. "That's a nice name." Said Ringo. Wendy shakes hands with the three Beatles. "And you three are John Lennon, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. Known to all as The Beatles." She said. "Right you are, Wendy!" Said John.

"We met a few days ago actually." Paul said. "How?" Ringo asked. "I was going for my morning jog and I ran into him." Wendy said. "Literally." Said Paul. "Doesn't surprise me. I know a lot of couples meet each other like that." George said. "We're not actually a couple yet. But we will be... in just a few moments." Said Wendy.

A smile forms onto Paul's face. "You mean... you ended things with Tyler?" He asked. Wendy nods. John raises his hand. "I don't mean to interrupt but, who's Tyler?" He asked. "Tyler is... or should I say was my boyfriend." Wendy said. "How long did you two go out for?" Asked George. "Five months. After I met Paul, my feelings for Tyler just vanished. There's just something about Paul that's different than Tyler." Said Wendy. "In what way?" Ringo asked.

"I bet I know what it is!" John said with a smirk. "Oh yeah? What?" Asked Wendy. John grabs onto Paul's face with his hand. "Look at that cute face and those adorable doe eyes! I wouldn't be surprised if you fell in love with how handsome our Paulie is!" He said. "Well... I didn't just fall for him because of how he looks. I fell for the person he is in general." Wendy said. "Ohhhhhh!" John, George, and Ringo all say. "Besides, he's been a gentleman ever since our first encounter. Even on our first date, he still treated me like a lady." Said Wendy.

After minutes of talking to all four Beatles, John, George, and Ringo leave together and let Paul stay with Wendy. "Did you really mean what you said about falling in love with me for who I am?" Paul asked. "I did. And it's true, Paul. I'm in love with you as well. Now that I got Tyler off my back, we can finally be together." Wendy said. Paul smiles and the two hold hands. They immediately lean in slowly to kiss.

"WENDY?!?!?!" A shocked voice said ruining the moment. It was Tyler. "Tyler! Were you spying on us?!" Asked Wendy angrily. "Apparently, I was. I wanted to know why you haven't been showing me any affection for the past few days, why you've been ignoring me, and most importantly, why you dumped me!" Said Tyler. "Well, you got your answer! I'm in love with someone else!" Wendy said.

Tyler felt betrayed. He felt tears filling up his eyes. "I can't believe this! We've been together for five months, and now you fall for someone better than me! Not to mention, more handsome!" He said. "You do realize there are plenty of other girls out there for you, right?" Asked Wendy. "Yes, but I love you! I've never looked at a girl the way I look at you!" Cried Tyler. He breaks down into sobs.

"I'm sorry, Tyler. But it's over. We're never getting back together... like ever!" Wendy said. She turns her attention to Paul. "Let's get out of here, Paulie. I'm not gonna stand around and listen to him cry like a baby." She said. Paul nods and the two walk away and leave Tyler alone.

Tyler's P.O.V.

It was official! Wendy has fallen in love with Paul McCartney! Tyler couldn't believe it, but it was true. "If I'm gonna win Wendy back, I'll have to take her little "boyfriend" out of the picture." He said. So he goes back to his house to conjure up a plan to win back his true love.

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