Chapter 12 - The Wedding

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A few weeks have gone by. The day of Paul and Wendy's wedding has arrived. John has agreed to be Paul's best man, Ringo chose to be the ring bearer, and George volunteered to walk Wendy down the aisle. Everyone arrived at the church when it was getting close to that time. The wedding began after it was a full house.

Wendy stands excitedly waiting for her turn to walk down the aisle. George offers her his arm. "Are you ready, Wendy?" He asked. "Yes, George. I'm ready." Said Wendy. She links her hand onto George's arm as the two walk down the aisle. Paul stood at the end with a smile on his face. John was standing behind him smiling as well. When Wendy reached the end of the aisle, she gave her flowers to Dana. The priest speaks once Paul and Wendy face each other hand in hand.

"Dearly beloved. We're gathered here today to celebrate the love and marriage of Paul McCartney and Wendy Jefferson. Let's begin with the vows. Wendy?" Said the priest. Wendy takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Paul, I've never felt this happy until the day I met you. What I love most about you is your kindness and compassion, I vow to encourage you to let yourself shine through your dreams and look forward to helping shape our lives together into the adventure that we will take. Your soul shines down on me and I vow to tend to you - to keep your soul bright and to offer love all our lives." She said.

A smile appears on Paul's face and happy tears come down from his eyes. "Wonderful! Now, Paul, you're next." The priest said. Paul clears his throat before speaking.

"Wendy, I never knew that falling in love with you would bring me such joy and happiness. I promise to be there for you, in cold winter mornings, to warm you, on soft springs to watch our love grow, in our summers to play in the light of the sun, and in our autumn to kiss your fingers and say, it has all been worth it - every moment of our love." He said. Wendy smiles real big and her cheeks turn red.

"Very nicely done you two! Now, do you, Paul, take Wendy to be your wife for as long as you both shall live?" Said the priest. "I do." Said Paul. "And do you, Wendy, take Paul to be your husband for as long as you both shall live?" The priest asked. "I do." Wendy said. "Lovely. The rings, please." Said the priest.

Ringo steps forehead carrying a pillow with two rings. Paul takes the little ring and slips it onto Wendy's finger. Wendy then does the same thing with the big ring slipping it onto Paul's finger. "If there's a reason these two shouldn't be together, speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest said. No one says a word. "I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!" Said the priest.

As Wendy and Paul kiss, everyone cheers. Next up is the reception. The bride and groom cut the cake. Later on, Paul and Wendy had their first dance as husband and wife. The song that played was Till There Was You from The Music Man. "Remember this song, love?" Paul asked. "Yes. You sang it to me on the day you came over. Not long before you got poisoned." Wendy said. "That's true, darling. But let's be glad the poison is out of my system and I'm no longer in a coma." Said Paul.

Wendy nods and leans onto Paul's chest as they continue dancing. About an hour after their dance the bouquet toss was underway. Wendy grabs her flowers and waits for the girls to round up. "Alright, ladies! Are you ready?" She asked. "Yes!" Said all the girls. Wendy turns around and tosses her bouquet. When her attention is back towards the girls again, she saw the that the bouquet was caught by Dana.

"Great catch, Dana!" Yelled Wendy. The rest of the reception went smoothly. When night came, Paul and Wendy stood outside in the nighttime scenery and looked up at the starry sky while holding hands.

"We did it! We're officially husband and wife!" Paul said excitedly. "Hooray!" Wendy cheered. "I'm glad that your husband is me and not Tyler!" Said Paul. "Agreed! I wouldn't have any space if I married Tyler! He was so darn clingy when we were together! I didn't mind at first, but then it got annoying." Said Wendy. "I know the minute you and I met, you changed." Paul said. "So true, Paulie. My feelings for Tyler were no more, and you showed me what true love is supposed to feel like." Wendy said.

Paul smiles and plants a kiss on Wendy's lips. "As long as we have each other, nothing will stand in our way." He said. "There's one other thing you should know, sweetheart." Said Wendy. "What's that, my beautiful Wendy?" Asked Paul. "I'm proud to call you my one true love." Wendy said. "You are?!" Paul asked excitedly. "Yes. There's absolutely nothing in this world that'll change how I feel about you." Said Wendy with a smile. Paul smiles back at her and the two immediately lock lips for what seems like forever.

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