Chapter 11 - Reunion

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Wendy wakes up the next morning bursting with excitement. She jumps out of bed and gets dressed. She then charges downstairs and steps outside to wait for Paul. Not a minute too soon, a car pulls into Wendy's driveway. The difference is, Paul wasn't driving. He was in the front though. George was driving while John and Ringo were sitting in the back.

Paul gets out of George's car and holds his arms out for Wendy. She rushes over and jumps into his arms. Paul lifts her up and spins her around giving her the biggest hug. "Welcome home, sweetheart!" Said Wendy happily. "I'm so happy to see you again, love!" Said Paul. "Me too! You had us all worried when you were in that coma." Wendy said. "I know, darling. I know." Paul said. He kisses Wendy on her forehead.

"I thought I lost you." Said Wendy. Paul pulls her close to him and strokes her hair. "It's okay. It's all over now. I'm out of my coma, and everything will be alright." He said. "I'm glad. Just don't scare me like that again." Wendy said. "I promise." Paul said. Moments after being in an embrace, Wendy says goodbye to Paul as he catches up with his bandmates.

One Week Later

Paul and Wendy began planning their wedding. They took turns picking the cake, decorations, party favors, flowers, and where they want the wedding to take place. When they were picking music for when Wendy walks down the aisle, they picked a song together.

Not long after planning was done, Wendy goes dress shopping with Dana. They first picked a dress for the bride, then they picked one for the maid of honor. Wendy's dress was long and strapless. As for Dana, she picked a red dress to wear for the wedding since red was Wendy's favorite color.

Wendy's dress:

Wendy's dress:

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Dana's dress:

Everything got done super fast

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Everything got done super fast. Ever since Wendy got engaged to Paul, she spent endless days and nights with him. Even when Wendy was home alone, she invited Paul to keep her company.

For this day, Wendy and Paul have gone to the same park they went to after Wendy dumped Tyler. "Our wedding is getting close! I can't wait for you to become my wife!" Said Paul. "I can't wait either! Before we know it, I'll be going from Wendy Jefferson to Wendy McCartney!" Said Wendy. Paul smiles and puts his arm around her.

"Paul?" Wendy said. "Yes, sweetheart?" Paul answered. "Do you wanna know why this spot is my favorite?" Asked Wendy. "Why is it?" Asked Paul. "First, it's where we went to after I broke up with Tyler. Second, we were here when you asked me to be your girlfriend." Said Wendy. "Oh yeah! I remember!" Said Paul. "Now I'm your fiancé, and I'll soon be your wife!" Wendy said. "I can't wait to become your husband!" Paul said excitedly.

The two smile at each other and kiss. They remain in a romantic embrace until sunset. The stars appear into the sky along with the moon. Something sparkling catches Paul's eye. "Oh my gosh! Did you see that?" He asked. "Yeah! It was a shooting star! I've always wanted to see one!" Said Wendy. The happy couple looks up at the sky for a few more minutes.

Wendy lets out a yawn eventually. "What time is it?" She asked. Paul checks his watch. "It's almost 11." He said. "I should probably get home and in bed." Wendy said. Paul nods. He walks Wendy back to her house and the two give each other a kiss good night before going their separate ways. Wendy walks inside her house and collapses onto her bed. She later puts on her pajamas and makes herself comfortable. She closes her eyes and sleep comes to her in an instant.

My One True Love, Paul McCartney Where stories live. Discover now