Chapter 13 (Finale) - Honeymoon

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One Month Later

Wendy and Paul went to Hawaii for their honeymoon. Tropical islands were something that Wendy loved the most, so Paul wanted to make her wish come true. Throughout their trip, they spent a lot of time at the beach, splashing in the ocean during the day, and watching the sunset at night. Especially when the moon comes out and its light reflects on the water. Some days, they'd lie under the palm trees for some shade.

For this particular day, the happy couple decided to relax in their hotel. "Paul, darling?" Said Wendy. "Hmm?" Answered Paul. "Do you remember that song you sang for me when you came over one day and it was our song when we had our first dance as husband and wife at our wedding?" Wendy asked. "I remember." Paul said. "How would you like it if I sang it for you?" Asked Wendy. "I'd love for you to sing to me. Besides, I've never heard you sing before. I'll bet you have a beautiful voice." Said Paul.

There may not have been any music in the background, Wendy listened to it play in her head as she slowly moves to a steady beat. She takes a deep breath before singing her heart out.

There were bells on the hill
But I never heard them ringing,
No, I never heard them at all
Till there was you.

There were birds in the sky
But I never saw them winging
No, I never saw them at all
Till there was you.

And there was music,
And there were wonderful roses,
They tell me,
In sweet fragrant meadows of dawn, and dew.

There was love all around
But I never heard it singing
No, I never heard it at all
Till there was you!

There was love all around
But I never heard it singing
No, I never heard it at all
Till there was you!

Once Wendy finished singing, she could see Paul wiping tears from his eyes. "Oh my gosh, Wendy! You have the voice of an angel!" He said. "Thanks, sweetie. That song happens to be my favorite song from The Music Man." Wendy said.

Paul wraps her into a hug and kisses her lips. "I forgot to mention that John and I wrote a song not long ago." He said. "What kind of song?" Asked Wendy. "It's a love song. Would you like to hear it?" Asked Paul. "I'd love to." Wendy said. Paul grabs his guitar and starts to sing.

I give her all my love
That's all I do
And if you saw my love
You'd love her, too
I love her

She gives my everything
And tenderly
The kiss my lover brings
She brings to me
And I love her

A love like ours
Could never die
As long as I
Have you near me

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

After Paul finished singing, a touched expression appears on Wendy's face. Her eyes fill with tears and she cries with happiness. "Paulie, that song was so beautiful! I loved it!" She said. "We wrote it for you, my beautiful wife. I wasn't just singing the lyrics, I was expressing how much I love you." Paul said.

Wendy immediately throws herself onto Paul and kisses his lips. "I'm so glad I married you! I especially feel blessed to have someone write such beautiful songs for me!" She said. "When it comes to love songs, I'll always write them for the woman I love. With John's help, of course." Said Paul. "Tyler has never written songs for me. Even if he did, they probably would've been too corny. But the songs you write, they're definitely the sweetest ones I've ever heard." Said Wendy. She and Paul spend the rest of the day, snuggling on the couch.

From the porch of their hotel, they watch the sunset. They even have a view of the ocean and see the sunlight reflecting off of it as it goes down. "Beautiful! I've never seen the sun reflect off the ocean before!" Wendy said. "Me neither. But it's definitely a breathtaking sight." Paul said. He wraps his arm around Wendy as they enjoy the most romantic sight they've ever seen.

"I just love happy endings. Don't you, Paulie?" Asked Wendy. "I absolutely do. Especially since I have my gorgeous wife by my side." Said Paul. Wendy smiles and leans onto Paul's shoulder. "I love you so much, Paul McCartney." She said. "And I love you too, Wendy Rose McCartney. I love you very, very much." Paul said. The two lock eyes and smile at each other.

Paul pulls Wendy close to him and they passionately kiss near the sunset. They remain in this embrace until the sky turns dark and nighttime came. Wendy was happy to finally spend the rest of her life with someone she truly loves. She and Paul even got the happy ending they deserve.

The End

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