Chapter 9 - Comatose

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Moments later, the ambulance showed up. Paramedics came into Wendy's house and placed Paul's unconscious body onto the stretcher. Wendy didn't want to leave him at a time like this. So she follows the staff outside as they put Paul in the back of the ambulance. "Would it be okay if I ride in the back with him?" She asked. "Are you his girlfriend, fiancé, or wife?" One paramedic asked. "I'm his girlfriend." Said Wendy. "Then, you certainly can." Said the paramedic.

Before Wendy could climb into the back of the ambulance, John, George, Ringo, Dana, and her parents rush onto the scene quickly. "We heard sirens! What's going on?!" Asked John in a panic. "Paul just got poisoned not long ago." Wendy said. "Oh heavens! How?!" Asked George worriedly. "My ex boyfriend spiked his drink." Said Wendy. "What?! Why would someone do such a thing?!" Asked Ringo in shock. "He was getting revenge after I dumped him for Paul." Wendy said.

"That Tyler! I knew there was something off about him!" Said Dana frustratingly. "Where's Tyler now?" Asked Mary Anne. "The police have him. I called them after I found him invading my property." Said Wendy. "That was very brave of you, Wendy. You did the right thing." Said William as he pats Wendy on her back. "Thank you. I'll catch up with you guys later." Wendy said. She climbs into the back of the ambulance and waves to her friends as it pulls away.

Wendy looks down at Paul and sees him with an air mask over his mouth. She sits next to him and gently strokes his hair. When they arrive at the hospital, Wendy follows the staff to the room they put Paul in. A nurse approaches Wendy shortly after she entered the room. "Miss Jefferson, I'd like you to wait out here for a few moments while I take a look at your boyfriend." She said. Wendy nods as the nurse closes the door.

Minutes later, the nurse comes back. "You may come in now, Miss Jefferson." She said. "Thank you. And please, call me Wendy." Said Wendy. She enters the room and sees Paul sleeping on his bed. She gently caresses his face. The nurse comes up next to Wendy and puts her hand on her shoulder. "How is he?" Wendy asked. "I'm afraid to say that he's in a coma." Said the nurse.

Wendy feels a lump in her throat. "Will he be okay?" She asked worriedly. "Let's hope so. We're going to have to get his stomach pumped to drain the poison from his body. After that's taken care of, we'll call you if anything happens." The nurse said. Wendy gives the nurse her phone number. She exits the room a minute later and finds the other Beatles and Dana standing in the hall.

"What's happening in there, Wendy?" George asked. "A nurse told me that Paul's..." Wendy trails off. "He's what? He's not dead, is he?" Ringo asked. "No. Thank goodness." Said Wendy. "Go on, Wendy. How's Paul?" John asked. Wendy was silent for a moment. Until she finally speaks after a few minutes. "He's... in a coma." She said.

Everyone gasps. "How horrible!" Dana said. "They're going to pump his stomach to drain the poison out of his body. I really hope he wakes up soon." Wendy said sadly. "Don't worry, Wendy. I'm sure the poison wasn't life threatening." Said Ringo. The others nod in agreement. "True, but most poisons are. I'm worried that he's gonna die." Said Wendy as she hangs her head. Mary Anne and William move in to comfort Wendy.

"Don't lose hope, Wendy. He's going to be okay. I just know it." Mary Anne said. "Would you like to ride back with Dana and us after we leave here?" William asked. Wendy nods. "Yes please." She said. A tear falls from her eye. Dana takes a pack of tissues out of her purse and wipes Wendy's eyes to prevent more tears. "We're all here for you, Wendy. We'll never leave you alone at a time like this." She said.

Dana's parents drive Wendy home a little while later. Once they reach her house, she thanked them for the ride. Dana follows Wendy out and grabs her wrist. "Hang in there, bestie. We're all praying for Paul." Said Dana. "Thanks, Dana. You're a great friend to me. And I've always thought of you like a sister." Said Wendy. She wraps Dana into a tight hug. "I'll always be there to comfort you, Wendy." Dana said.

A little while later, Wendy says goodbye to Dana and her parents. When she enters her house, she finds her family standing in the living room with worried expressions. "There you are!" Said Francine. "Where have you been?!" Asked Steve in a panic. "I was at the hospital." Wendy said. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?!" Asked Kyle worriedly. "I'm fine. But I wasn't a patient, Paul is." Said Wendy. Her family gasps.

"What's wrong with Paul?!" Francine asked in shock. "He was poisoned, and now he's in a coma." Wendy said. "Who did this to him?!" Steve asked worriedly. "Tyler. He's been going on a rampage ever since I dumped him. Now he's becoming possessive." Said Wendy. "Did you call the police?" Kyle asked. "Done and done. He won't be coming after me anymore after that." Wendy said.

Three Weeks Later

Wendy visits Paul in the hospital. When she finds his room, she sees the same nurse from before. "Hello, Wendy. Please, come in." She said. Wendy enters the room and finds Paul still unconscious. The nurse comes up behind her. "How is he?" Asked Wendy. "We managed to pump all the poison out of his body. However, he's still in his coma. We don't know for sure when he's going to wake up. But I predict that he'll be out of it within the next month." Said the nurse. "I hope you're right." Wendy said.

"I'll give you some time alone." The nurse said. She steps aside as Wendy looks down at her comatose boyfriend. She leans in slowly and plants a kiss on Paul's soft lips. She keeps her lips on his for two minutes. After she pulls away, she gently touches his face. "If you can hear me, Paul... I love you. I hope you don't stay in a coma forever. You'll never know how much I need you in my life. I love you so much. I will always, always, always love you." She said.

Wendy gives Paul one last kiss, this time on his forehead. "Please, don't leave me. I'll never forgive myself if you die." She said. The nurse comes back. "That was beautiful, Wendy." She said. "You heard all that?" Asked Wendy. "Yes. It was very sweet. I can see how much he means to you." Said the nurse. "He means a lot to me. And I love him with all my heart." Wendy said. The nurse nods. "I don't think I caught your name." Said Wendy. "You can call me Nurse Tammy." The nurse said. "Okay. Nurse Tammy it is." Wendy said.

Hours after getting home, the phone rings. Wendy picks it up.


"Wendy Jefferson?" Said a familiar voice. "Yes, it's me." Said Wendy. "This is Nurse Tammy. I'm calling because I have the most exciting news!" Said Nurse Tammy. "What is it?" Wendy asked. "Your boyfriend has woken up! And he wants to see you right away!" Nurse Tammy said. Wendy's jaw drops open. "Are you serious?!" She asked in shock. "Yes! He woke up a lot quicker than we thought!" Said Nurse Tammy. "I'll be right back over!" Said Wendy. She hangs up the phone.

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