Part Seven: Good Things Must End

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December 25th, 1963

I never considered that one day we would be unable to see eachother. I had always imagined her as a big part of my future. Almost as if we were going to be married. A silly thought, I know. I guess all good things must come to an end sooner or later.

     We were eating Christmas dinner with Daisy and Gladys when I felt a pain in my stomach. It wasn't like a sick pain. It was like a pain when you knew something bad was about to happen. I thought that I was just being paranoid so I just brushed it off. Daisy asked me about my plans after Highschool, and I told her I wanted to be a doctor and move up north. She nodded approvingly. Under the table I felt Veronica's foot slide to touch mine. I smiled at her.

      The dinner was excellent that night. Daisy had made us an excellent feast of turkey, mashed potatoes, rolls, green beans, and carrots. She had even made her own jam for the rolls. Veronica and I had made a blueberry pie this morning to bring today. Danny was supposed to bring Rich but they decided to have their own festivities separate.

     Earlier in the hallway, I saw them kiss against Danny's apartment entrance. Rich pinned Danny against the wall and they locked lips rather roughly. I had been watering Veronica's violets outside of her door, and I was so distracted by the sight that I spilled water onto the floor.

This caught the attention of Rich, who offered to help me clean it up. I told him not to worry about it, and he took Danny's hand and led him into the apartment. I didn't know boys could kiss other boys. It was a new concept to me.

     The empty water pitcher felt heavy at my side. Could girls kiss other girls? Was that allowed? I cleaned up my mess. This afternoon, I cornered Veronica after she got back from grocery shopping. She had picked up blueberries for our pie. After she sat the fruit down, I grabbed her by the hands, "Can we kiss?" I asked, wide-eyed.

     Veronica seemed surprised by my question. A little light of amusement gleamed in her dark eyes. "What? Why do you ask?" She inquired, leading me to the kitchen. I hesitated. Did she know about Danny and Rich? Probably. She squeezed my hands a little.

"I saw Danny and Rich kiss and I had never seen two boys kiss before so I was just wondering if girls could kiss eachother. Is that even allowed? What—" My quick speech was cut off by a loud laugh from her. She let go of my hands to put them over her mouth. My face burned. What was so funny?

"Danny and Rich are together, yes. And yes, I suppose any gender can kiss the other. But no, it's not exactly allowed. Does that answer your question?" Her response was rather brisk. She turned, and started getting things ready for our dessert. This left me standing in her kitchen confused. "Why isn't it allowed?" I asked, genuinely confused. Veronica leaned against the island.

"Jeeze. It's not exactly legal, Rach. Haven't you heard the boys in your school mock eachother over being feminine? They have other words for it, but I don't exactly want to say them." She said. I thought for a moment. Yes I had. I hadn't known what the insults meant, though. Now I suppose I did. Why do people see anything wrong with it? It's just kissing.

"Sorry. I guess I'm just a little daft." I started to make the crust by now. I was so embarrassed.

But Veronica had put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up. "You're not daft, Rachel. You're the smartest girl I know." She smiled, soft kindness in her eyes. Rare from her. Then, as quick as the softness appeared, it was gone. She popped a blueberry in her mouth, and pushed my shoulder.

"Good thing I don't know many girls." She teased. I stumbled and threw some of the sticky dough at her. "Hey! Take that back." I whined. She dodged it, and swiped some more pieces of fruit. It was a fond memory.

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