Part Twenty: Epilouge

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December 26, 2018

     I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My granddaughters were zipping up my wedding dress, and getting ready to carrying my wedding train behind me. My silver hair was piled into a bun in the back of my head, and silver beads adorned it.

     My oldest son, Harrison, came to stand beside me. He would be walking with me down the aisle. My youngest son, Richard, would be walking with Veronica. He looked at me in the mirror. Tears welted up in my aged eyes. No longer young, they now looked gray instead of blue.

     Harrison wiped away a tear from my eye. "You look great, mom." He whispered. I agreed. My now-adult son had grown up watching his mothers struggle for this very moment. I wish we could've done it sooner.

     My eldest granddaughter, Eleanor, picked up my wedding train. Harrison took my arm, and we walked out of the dressing room.

     Getting married at seventy three was strange. Certainly not traditional. We didn't do it like many traditional weddings today, though. Our isle was set up in a 'T' shape. Our sons would walk us down the top of the T, and Veronica and I would walk the rest of the way together.

    When the music began, the guests at our wedding stood at attention. Many of them came from our large family, including our daughter Amanda. I spotted Danny and Rich by her. Unlike us, they had gone to Canada to get married years ago. In front of them sat two empty seats.

Violets in each of them.

And even though they weren't here, I knew that Daisy and Gladys were watching from above.

Harrison and I were halfway down our part of the T. On the opposite end, She emerged. With her silvery hair braided tightly behind her, she stood tall and proud as she walked with Richard down the aisle. Her determined eyes had never lost their sparkle.

Even after all these years, the only thing that had changed about her was her guitar playing. It had improved. Greatly. If you don't believe me, you can ask the crowd of camera crews and people waiting outside of the cathedral. All adoring fans.

And what became of me? In the midst of my girlfriend's rise to fame, I opened up my own restaurant. Now it was the most well-regarded bakery in New York. In fact, I had even baked our wedding cake for today.

But enough about old talk, let's focus on the new. Veronica walked twice as fast as poor Richard did. She very eagerly dragged him down their side of the Aisle. For a seventy five year old woman, she still had the spirit of a young adult.

And at last, we finally met in the middle. Yes, we were both already sobbing by now. And eager to both look each other in the eyes and say "I do.", we joined arms and walked down the aisle together.

As we had danced through the rest of our life. Together.

The End

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